Fred Posner

Fred Posner personal blog

Your Phone Company is Watching

Posted . ~1min read.

Back in 2012 or so, I posted a video hidden within a rant I had made. I rant from time to time. Scratch that. I rant a lot. I blog my rants from time to time.

Anyway, I think about this video often.

Malte Spitz asked his telephone company what type of data they had been collecting on him. An innocent question… what type of information are you collecting?

The results astounded him and he effectively communicated why we should all be concerned.

For those of you out there who don’t find any significance to the Snowden releases, the information our NSA collects, and why blanket collection of data is a dangerous tool… I ask you to watch the movie.

It’s a quick 10 minutes. If you’ve seen it before, it’s time to watch it again.

Malte Spitz asked his cell phone carrier what it knew about him–and mapped what he found out.

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