Thanks for nothing

Posted . ~2min read.

So, working the phones over at the bakery today while coding some dialplans… when a call comes in from a South Florida area code…

I’m calling to get a custom cake for a 70th birthday party.

Normally, these types of events are planned with some good lead time. It’s a significant birthday, one that generally has family coordination, etc. I generally love these calls. Unlike most of the tech work I do, bakery clients are always celebrating.

I work into the conversation how honored we are to be considered and ask for the date of the celebration… which ends up being Saturday. This Saturday. 🙁

Sometimes we can work on a shortened, fast schedule. Most times, Yeni needs at least two weeks notice to start planning, etc. The biggest issue, especially come Spring, is availability. For example, we’re booked this week. Solid. No space for more cakes.

I say “I’m very sorry, unfortunately we are unable to take on an additional cake this week—”

Thanks for nothing. [click]

Ouch. I hadn’t even finished the sentence… I didn’t get a chance to recommend another bakery. Thanks for nothing. Click.

The hard part is knowing that this person, who never has purchased from us… somehow feels we dis-serviced her in some way. It’s tough to get those calls and remain chipper. Hell, it sucks to say no.

I definitely would love if the bakery could sell more cakes. (So would my accountant)

How would you handle it when you’re told… Thanks for nothing.

...and even more...