Hurricane Irma: All Clear

Posted . ~2min read.

TL/DR; We’re all good. No damage to the house (that we can see), power is back, Internet is back — we are very fortunate.

We started feeling some wind Sunday evening and the rain hadn’t let up since Saturday night. We received more than 12 inches of rain.

We lost power on Sunday, regained it, and then lost it hard at 1am Monday morning. The bakery lost power 11pm Sunday night. Yeni has the coolest cupcake candle, so all was good.

The hardest winds hit us around 6:30am Monday morning and we were very, very lucky. No trees hit us, although the neighborhood had it’s share of large, downed pines. Branches did come down, everywhere — but none seemed to have damaged any part of the home.

We did a quick clean-up and all looks good. Family is fine.

The bakery power was restored around 2pm and everything looks fine. The home power was restored around 6pm.

Gainesville has some major flooding but we faired well. The house is in an optimal location for this and avoided the flooding. Our biggest fear remains trees… and we lucked out.

Thanks for all your concern… Now to get back to work and to prepare my Kamailio presentation for Astricon.

Pre-storm local wildlife hanging out on our fence.
Yeni and I checking out the neighborhood
Leaves everywhere
Big Boy needs a Big Raincoat