6 Weeks In…
Posted . ~1min read.
So, AnneMarie entered our lives about 6 weeks ago, and despite all of the amazing advice from all my family and friends, I underestimated the amount of disruption a newborn brings.
Sleep is now a highly valued commodity. Yeni has the worst of it as I guess is normal of new moms… luckily my career path (all of them) have prepared me to function on little to no sleep… so I feel I’m ahead of the curve.
This being said, I’d love a good nap or sleep that lasts more than 2 hours. =)
I thought I understood the amount of diapers a newborn would “consume.” My lord. I need to buy stock in a diaper company.
Of course, I also never knew how much my heart would melt when this little precious girl smiles. She’s the boss. This much is clear now.