Is Monica Conyers Corrupt from Bribes?
Posted . ~2min read.
DETROIT, MI — The Detroit News reports that my favorite politician, Monica Conyers, reportedly needs to consider a plea offer from the Federal Government regarding a corruption investigation of City Hall. Apparently, the feds want an answer from Conyers by the end of the day (June 16th).
The short story concerns Rayford W. Jackson’s recent guilty plea in Federal Court on Monday. Jackson pleaded guilty to a bribery conspiracy in which “Council Member A” was given more than six grand in bribes in connection with a 1.2 billion dollar contract. This same “Council Member A” had also been bribed by another person, James R. Rosendall, Jr.
And speculation points to Monica Conyers as Council Member A. It’s a interesting read… please read the Detroit News article.
My favorite quote in the article comes from Council President Kenneth Cockrel, Jr.:
I know in my experience with federal investigations, they tend to be slow and meticulous, but when they come, they come like a ton of bricks.
Update – It looks like Monica Conyers doesn’t want to go to jail.
I don’t know why, but watching Monica Conyers is like watching a train wreck… you just can’t stop watching… you know it’s coming… you know it… but you just can’t stop.
Both the Associated Press and Detroit News report that Monica Conyers appears reluctant to take a plea deal. And today, coinciding with the taping of her television show (Ask the Councilwoman with Monica Conyers), the councilwoman stated:
All these things that are going on right now … I believe in my heart that God will deliver me from them. And so I say to all of the people out there: If you’re not praying for me, then you’re just adding to the problem.
Well, I guess that means I’m adding to the “problem,” because there’s no chance that I’m praying for her.
Incidentally, Monica Conyers is 44 and her husband, who is 80 years old, happens to be none other than US Representative John Conyers… aka the chairman of the House Judiciary Committee (that oversees the FBI and US Attorney’s Office).
Monica Conyers did give the AP a statement, however:
I’m not going to talk to you today, tomorrow, next week. What difference does it make?
PS -> I have some great video of Monica Conyers in an earlier post.
Yet Another Update — Monica Conyers has been convicted in the bribery scandal