Hurricane Helene Coming

Posted . ~1min read.

Ridin' the Storm Out

Another day, another hurricane. I am getting really tired of these.

Helene is heading through our area. AnneMarie’s school (and the colleges) are closed today and tomorrow… so Papa is working from home today.

Normally, I can expect to lose power.

The National Hurricane Center makes a pretty good site for getting information, and everyone has their own preffered metric for tracking. Personally, I like the wind speed probabilities chart.

Normally, Gainesville sees something like a 50-70% wind probability (tropical storm range) for a storm. We almost never have higher wind probabilites (50kt or above)… mostly due to our inland location. Helene is currently presenting Gainesville with a 94%.

GAINESVILLE FL 34 15  79(94)   X(94)   X(94)   X(94)   X(94)   X(94)
GAINESVILLE FL 50  X   6( 6)   X( 6)   X( 6)   X( 6)   X( 6)   X( 6)
GAINESVILLE FL 64  X   1( 1)   X( 1)   X( 1)   X( 1)   X( 1)   X( 1)

In other winds, today would be a fun day for flying a kite… well, a fun day if you like getting soaked.

And now I must confess
I could use some rest
I can't run at this pace very long
...and even more...