Fred Posner

Fred Posner personal blog

When you wish upon a star…

Posted . ~1min read.

Just came back from a great weekend in Disney. 🙂

Aperture 2

Posted . ~1min read.

I took this during my Vegas trip… downloaded Aperture2 (new release from Apple) and am pretty happy with the results.

Happy Valentine's Day!

Posted . ~1min read.

I miss you baby!

¡Ay que linda!

Posted . ~1min read.

Look how pretty!

In Vegas

Posted . ~1min read.

Staying at the Venetian Hotel (my favorite) in Vegas. Started off losing hard, but slowly catching back up to 0. 🙂

Peter Luger Steak House

Posted . ~4min read.

When I ordered a steak from Peter Luger Steak House, I received the best steak I have ever eaten.

[start digression]

I don’t usually start a review with the quick one-liner, and I usually don’t wait 2 years to write a review. But then again, Brooklyn’s Peter Luger Steak House is not your usual steak house. And why did I ever wait 2 years to write a review about the best steak I ever ate? It all begins with my very good friend Ricardo Barrenechea.

Tagged: New York Peter Luger Ricardo Steak

New Year's Eve in NYC

Posted . ~1min read.

Happy New Year…. from New York City. 🙂

Tagged: New York

Rest in peace Shadow

Posted . ~1min read.

A year to the day of Forrest’s death, he is joined by his only friend…. Shadow.

Tagged: Forrest

1 year ago today

Posted . ~1min read.

Today is the the 1 year anniversary of Forrest’s passing… so I took the day off work, headed to Cedar Key on the bike… and then did two things.

Tagged: Forrest Harley-Davidson

No News is Good News

Posted . ~1min read.

Almost getting too cold to ride. 🙁 

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