Fred Posner

Fred Posner personal blog


Headed to ClueCon 2018

Posted . ~1min read.

It’s summer-time, very hot, very humid, and this means… it’s time for ClueCon! I’m losing track, but this year will be my fourth or fifth time attending this conference in “beautiful” Chicago.

ClueCon is a conference for developers by developers: an annual technology conference held every summer hosted by the team behind the FreeSWITCH open-source project.

Tagged: cluecon FreeSWITCH Kamailio VoIP

My Thoughts on Enterprise Connect

Posted . ~2min read.

This year I decided to head down to Orlando and catch the Enterprise Connect show. Usually, the VoIP shows I attend deal with open source products and target Developers (as well as users, purchasers, etc). Enterprise Connect mostly highlights non-open source telephony offerings from such companies as Cisco, Slack, Microsoft, Avaya, etc.

After a few days here in beautiful Orlando, I still am not sure who Enterprise Connect had in mind for a target audience. Did they want those with technical skills? Not sure– none of the talks really went into anything technical. Decision makers? Influencers? No idea. 

Tagged: Orlando VoIP

Astricon 2017

Posted . ~1min read.

This year, as usual, I am honored to again be speaking at Astricon — the annual telecommunication conference celebrating all things Asterisk (as well as other open source VoIP).

Tagged: Astricon VoIP

March Summary

Posted . ~1min read.

Where has the time gone? To paraphrase the Princess Bride, which Yes, is still one of my favorite movies — there is to much to explain, let me sum up.

Tagged: Florida Gainesville VoIP

So Many Boxes…

Posted . ~1min read.

We’re packing away… although “we” is mostly just Yeni; who is packing like a woman possessed. We’re heading out on Wednesday and looking forward to a change of view.

Tagged: Ann Arbor esposa Florida Gainesville Tech telephone VoIP

Fred Posner in the News

Posted . ~1min read.

Some of the local papers / sites picked up the Parking Space story… check it out: Ann Arbor Chronicle HD Teeter Talk Ann Arbor News Arbor Update 🙂

Tagged: Ann Arbor Fred Posner Perl VoIP

And we're back…

Posted . ~1min read.

GoDaddy had some sort of “issue” that had this site down most of the day… Can you believe it? The nerve of them to mess with fredposner.

Tagged: Ann Arbor Fred Posner VoIP

Geeky Item of the Day – Free CNAM

Posted . ~5min read.

Ok, if you use Asterisk (or a Do It Yourself type VoIP service), you sometimes do not receive the CNAM (think Caller ID with Name data) from your carrier. Well, since geeks like information and anything “free,” there’s a simple way to use the internet to do a reverse number lookup query. So, if you’re a technical type, keep reading… otherwise, non-geek posts will return very soon.

Tagged: Asterisk Geeky Perl Tech VoIP

Geeky Item of the Day

Posted . ~2min read.

[][1]Yeni Weather Script I have a new phone on my desk (or as Yeni calls it, the mesk). Why mesk? Combines messy and desk… but I digress (as usual).

Tagged: Ann Arbor esposa Geeky Perl polycom telephone VoIP

It's Monday. Ummm. Monday.

Posted . ~1min read.

[][1]Fred with family at Thanksgiving Good morning world and welcome to the snowed in Monday morning edition of Fred Posner dot com. Let’s discuss the weekend…

Tagged: Ann Arbor Asterisk Cannoli FBI Fred Posner Geeky Harley-Davidson Pizza Thanksgiving VoIP

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