Not a button to push, just do it.

Selected quotes… for no apparent reason: In certain extreme situations, the law is inadequate. In order to shame its inadequacy it is necessary to act outside the law – to pursue natural justice. This is not vengeance. Revenge is not a valid motive, it’s an emotional response. No, not vengeance. Punishment. -The Punisher Yes. Well, I-I don’t know. Sometimes it would stop raining long enough for the stars to come out… and then it was nice....

August 12, 2007 2 min Fred Posner

Rescue Me is still the best.

Without a doubt… the fucking best show on TV. No doubts… I never thought I would look forward to a show more than The Soprano’s but damn it if I didn’t get proved wrong.

August 5, 2007 1 min Fred Posner

Ne te quaesiveris extra

You gotta love Ralph Waldo Emerson. Not the man, and not all of his writings… but some of them that is. I always loved parts of Self-Reliance. I say parts… as I’ve simply never been able to stand reading the entire essay from beginning to end in a single sitting. Why you ask? Writing style maybe… who knows… but parts of it I truly love. And I feel like quoting them…....

August 5, 2007 3 min Fred Posner

10 days, 0 reboots

I love my Mac. I cannot believe I didn’t embrace this earlier– could be the years of windows use or the bias I felt from the training days… but I was real slow to open my heart to linux and mac’s… and now that I’m there… 2 words… Damn! The Mac just works. And that’s pretty much all I have to say about that.

August 1, 2007 1 min Fred Posner

Fred buys a Mac

Well, I’ve been using PC’s since 1993.. before then, I either didn’t use computers or used Apple 2’s :). Anyway, lately… I simply have not been feeling that lovey-happy-go-lucky feeling for Windows. Don’t get me wrong… I don’t hate Windows… I just don’t love them anymore. I’ve become angered by reboots, memory leaks, and well– just typical windows bullshit. The more I use linux, the more I enjoy it. I really like CentOS and was looking for a “fun” factor that would maybe make my computer no longer just about work....

July 23, 2007 1 min Fred Posner


July 16, 2007 0 min Fred Posner

Family Feud Rant

Reposted from the old site: Ok… many of you know that I have recently acquired digital satellite service for the house. Yes — the clarity and sound are amazing. And, yes — the amount of channels available boggles the mind. But, I have come to realize the best aspect of my new system is the Game Show Network. So, in the tradition of Robert Fulghum’s “All I ever needed to know, I learned in Kindergarten,” I gladly present:...

July 15, 2007 4 min Fred Posner

mini rant

I admit it — I love movies. Whether it’s quoting dialogue, mentioning an obscure reference, or just general film trivia, I love talking about movies. To make things worse, the only thing I tend to talk about more than movies is my dog. So where am I going with this? Lately, there’s something about going to the movies that just irks me… it’s not the main gripes that most people have, such as ticket prices, audience behavior, or theatre quality....

July 15, 2007 2 min Fred Posner

The Tipping Rant

I, like many other people, enjoy going out to eat on a regular basis. I’m not talking about grabbing a happy meal at the local McyD’s or a sandwich at Subway here. I’m talking about sitting down and eating food that has been made to order for me according to the specifications that I requested. Of course there is a middleman in the process-the waiter. Maybe I have grown more impatient as I age, maybe my glasses are getting a little too dirty, but somewhere, somehow, I believe that the service these waiters and waitresses provide have become less than adequate....

July 15, 2007 4 min Fred Posner

Disney 2007

July 2, 2007 0 min Fred Posner