New Carbon Monoxide Detector

Posted . ~1min read.

[No Carbon Monoxide!][1]
No Carbon Monoxide!

Yeni and I just came back from Lowe’s… where we not only purchased a new Carbon Monoxide detector — we purchased a new Carbon Monoxide detector on sale. That’s right, our local Lowe’s price beat Amazon dot com. Go gators.

The new detector is fancy schmancy. It not only had ac power with battery backup, it also displays the carbon monoxide levels within the area monitored. This means that we can monitor even low level exposure. The built in AC adapter even expands so you can place the unit on a desk, on the wall, or like we have… directly within the outlet.

Two detectors are better than 1 and we feel really comfortable with this added safety tool. Current level? 0. Nice…

...and even more...