Fred Posner

Fred Posner personal blog

Campaign For Liberty, Stop Calling Me!

Posted . ~2min read.

So, back in 2007 I actually liked what Ron Paul had to say. I liked how he answered questions, but who knows… I also liked what Ross Perot had to say. In fact, maybe it’s just the R.P. initials that makes me interested. We’ll find out for sure if Ru Paul becomes a candidate…

Anyway… I made the mistake of contributing a very small donation to Ron Paul’s campaign. Well, Ron Paul became the Campaign for Liberty and now, they somehow think I want to be a member. And they won’t stop calling me.

I’ve asked them 5 times, left messages, sent emails… but the calls keep coming. So, today I tried a new approach. I’m demanding money from them. Here’s the letter:

March 25, 2009

Campaign for Liberty
Attention: Amanda Lee
6186 Old Franconia Rd Ste B
Alexandria VA 22310

Dear Amanda Lee,

Pursuant to provisions provided to me by the laws of the State of Florida and the United States of America, I hereby demand that you cease and desist making phone calls to me and provide immediate payment in the amount of $3,000.00 USD.

Payment to me in the amount of $3,000.00 USD and the ceasing of all phone calls will satisfy this issue. Non-compliance of my request by April 30, 2009 will result in the filing of a civil suit seeking the full fines/penalties afforded to me by law; well in excess of the amount requested above.

This document has been sent after requesting verbally, via your message system and live agents, that phone calls stop no less than 5 times; starting from February 12, 2009 through March 25, 2009. A list of known calls:

  • 2009-02-12 16:26:45 2027309944
  • 2009-02-17 06:10:24 2027309944
  • 2009-03-07 08:22:16 2027309944
  • 2009-03-11 17:40:47 2027309944
  • 2009-03-13 12:10:02 2027309944
  • 2009-03-14 08:14:02 2027309944
  • 2009-03-16 16:58:29 2027309944
  • 2009-03-17 06:44:17 2027309944
  • 2009-03-18 12:00:50 2027309944
  • 2009-03-21 08:40:51 2027309944
  • 2009-03-24 13:12:56 2027309944
  • 2009-03-25 10:53:58 2027309944

Payment should be made to:

Fred Posner
My Address

Very Truly Yours,

Fred Posner

Let’s see what happens.

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