Back in Gainesville

GAINESVILLE, FL — So I’m back in Gainesville trying to get the house ready for selling. I had chosen a realtor who made some amazing decisions that would be sure to get me that “quick” sale. Here’s the short story: Apparently my built-in entertainment center was something that made the house un-sellable, and according to the realtor impossible for anyone to imagine their furniture in my house. So, Ms. Realtor and her hired handyman remove the entertainment center, leaving some big ol’ holes in the wall and about 40 sq....

October 7, 2008 2 min Fred Posner

Orange and Blue Weekend

It’s that time of year in Gainesville… the time where the gators play the gators in the ultimate fight over alumni donations. 😉 But, the great thing about Orange and Blue weekend, is that usually a good ol’ friendly alumni comes to town. This year, it was The Egan’s who graced our lovely town with their beautiful baby Grace. Had a great time smelling the flowers, eating a burger at Cafe Gardens, and hanging out with great friends....

April 13, 2008 1 min Fred Posner

Don't tase me, bro!

Has to be my new favorite phrase. If you haven’t see the video (or videos), You tube is going crazy with them… You can find some at this link here. Or play the small selected catch phrase portion below… Anyway…. I don’t know if it were a set-up or whatever… but I can’t say it looks like the police handled this very well at all… and anyone who knows me, knows it’s very hard for me to be critical of law enforcement officers… Agencies?...

September 20, 2007 1 min Fred Posner

Go Gators!

How awesome is a repeat of Basketball and during the off-season a championship in Football? I think my degree just increased in value. 🙂

April 3, 2007 1 min Fred Posner