Property Tax Story

So, in my recent Facebook post I teased about a property tax story… here we go. Fred vs the Property Appraiser When Yeni and I started dating it was a long distance relationship. She came to the States and lived in Ann Arbor, working for the government on an H1 Visa— this means that if she left her job, she’d have to move back to her (at the time) country. In other words, she could not come live in Gainesville at the time. Well, as luck would have it, we started dating around the 2008 housing crisis. I tried putting the house up for sale, and after 1 year of no offers, watched my home value drop monthly. Good times. ...

March 22, 2018 4 min Fred Posner

A Quick Look at my County Taxes

Here’s the quick and dirty breakdown (I’ve rounded the percentages): Board of County Commissioners: $666.82 (31%) Library: $113.91 (6%) School Board: $931.65 (46%) Water District: $32.14 (2%) Unincorporated Services: $31.88 (2%) Sheriff: $129.17 (6%) Fire Protection: $103.51 (5%) So, the biggest amount seems, by far, to go to the School Board. I spend over $900.00 on public education– and being that I have no kids, I think that’s very generous of me. Of course, not realizing this until now is completely my own fault. ...

December 30, 2010 2 min Fred Posner