Fred Posner

Fred Posner personal blog


I like Al Pacino more than Robert De Niro

Posted . ~3min read.

[Make him and offer...][1]
Make him and offer...

I recently filled out one of these circulating lists, asking me to mark each movie on the list I had seen. Apparently if you had seen more than 85 films, “you had no life.” Out of 243 on the list, I had seen… (wait for it)… 167 (or just shy of 2x no life).

I love movies. I am the guy that buys a dvd rather than rent. I’ve taken my collection and put it into a database so I can find movies more easily and to help prevent me from buying duplicates (which has sadly happened). Although, this probably falls more into the “Fred is a geek” category than “Fred loves movies.” (Hopefully the Harley counters it)

Anyway, the title here reflects something I’ve spent way too much time contemplating. When you ask most of my friends who their favorite actor is, the most common answer is either Al Pacino or Robert De Niro. Me? I have a hard time answering with just one. I’d most likely give a list of my top three — Robert De Niro, Tom Hanks, and Al Pacino.

Tagged: Movies

Movies of 2008

Posted . ~3min read.

[][1]Fred saw Iron Man in 2008 I’ve said it before — I love movies. I simply love movies. Sure, not all movies receive my love; horror films and I never got along (except I did like Scream).

Tagged: Geeky house iron man Movies Rant spider-man

Thou Shalt Get a Carbon Monoxide Alarm

Posted . ~2min read.

Recently, Yeni and I completed an amazing 3200 mile round-trip “Expedition” from Ann Arbor to Fort Lauderdale. We drove through such landmarks as the Florida Everglades, the Appalachian Mountains, the Sunshine Skyway Bridge, and more.

Tagged: Ann Arbor carbon monoxide cold esposa Geeky Movies VoIP

New Star Trek Trailer

Posted . ~1min read.

New Star Trek trailer posted today. I’m starting to get excited about this movie. [][2]Star Trek coming May 2009

Tagged: Movies Star Trek

Buffy's back

Posted . ~1min read.

The WB network is relaunching online. While many people may not care, knowing that Buffy the Vampire Slayer can be viewed online is quite exciting for me.

Tagged: Buffy the Vampire Slayer Fred Posner Geeky Movies Tech

Fred goes out to a movie

Posted . ~3min read.

iron manIf you know me at all, you know I love movies. I mean, I REALLY love movies. But that aside, I no longer enjoy going to the movies. Maybe it’s me getting older… maybe it’s because I love my big-mama tv… or maybe it’s because I’m just a grumpy stubborn man, but it’s rare for me to want to go to the movies rather than see it at the house.

To get me out of the house and paying 11 bucks for a movie… it has to be a movie that excites me (like Iron Man, but let’s talk about that later). I mean after-all, for just 3 bucks more than a ticket price, I can sit in the comfort of my own home, have the ability to pause (rewind, etc), and more importantly – not deal with people.

I truly cannot remember the last time I was at a movie when someone didn’t use their cellphone. Ugh. But at least I know it’s a common problem, because now after some of the movie commercials, you get those director PSAs reminding you to shut off your cellphone. Normally, I always see Sydney Pollack… but today I saw Martin Scorsese’s version (I truly love Scorsese).

Tagged: Geeky iron man Movies Rant spider-man

Voip Tech Chat

Posted . ~1min read.

So, Patrick and I have been making these chats on voip, called (or as Patrick would say Interestingly enough called) VoipTechChat. We’ve even made a website for it called… wait for it… VoipTechChat.

Tagged: Fred Posner Geeky Movies Tech VoIP

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