Fred Posner

Fred Posner personal blog


APIBAN now integrates with fail2ban

Posted . ~1min read.

APIBAN now can add ip addresses directly to your favorite iptables jail. Geared mostly for freepbx, this solution provides the benefits of apiban data to the existing tools used.

Tagged: SIP Security APIBAN FreePBX Asterisk

APIBAN Now with HTTP Honeypot Data

Posted . ~1min read.

APIBAN helps prevent unwanted SIP traffic by identifying addresses of known bad actors before they attack your system. In addition to SIP protection, APIBAN now provides honeypot information for IP Addresses targeting HTTP/HTTPS.

Tagged: Kamailio SIP Security APIBAN

APIBAN now supports Cisco and Juniper formats

Posted . ~1min read.

APIBAN now supports Cisco and Juniper formatted results. APIBAN helps prevent unwanted SIP traffic by identifying addresses of known bad actors before they attack your system.

Tagged: Kamailio SIP Security APIBAN

For My Security

Posted . ~2min read.

American Express wants your name, date of birth, and social security number... for your security

Tagged: American Express Security

Freeswitch 1.10.7 Released

Posted . ~1min read.

The major announcement at ClueCon 2021 was the release of FreeSWITCH 1.10.7.

Tagged: FreeSWITCH SIP Security ClueCon

APIBAN Now Has IPset

Posted . ~2min read.

APIBAN helps prevent unwanted SIP traffic by identifying addresses of known bad actors before they attack your system. IPsets (lists of IPs) can be used by many firewalls, iptables, and appliances (such as pfsense, opnsense, etc.) to block unwanted traffic to your network.

Tagged: Kamailio SIP Security APIBAN

Handling Non-SIP Attacks With Kamailio

Posted . ~3min read.

The core parser of Kamailio helps protect your system against non-SIP traffic. But, theres even more you can and should do.

Tagged: Kamailio SIP Security

No, You Cannot Scan My ID

Posted . ~3min read.

Tell me about you.

On a recent trip to Target, I decided to add some compressed air to my cart. Working in electronics, I find compressed air to be almost a necessity. The servers, computers, switches, and other equipment I use routinely need a good “spritz” of compressed air to keep the dust from accumulating.

But I digress.

When I went to check out, my cashier advised that I needed to scan my ID to purchase the compressed air. Not just show her my ID, but rather have my driver’s license scanned into their register. This of course allows Target to scan, read, and store my personally identifiable information. Although just someone’s full name fulfills the criteria of personally identifiable information, a Driver’s License barcode and/or magnetic stripe contains much more. By scanning the driver’s license, Target retains my full name, date of birth, address, gender, race, driver’s license number, license information (restrictions, endorsements), organ donation, and issue date.

First, let’s look at the obvious…

Tagged: Florida government personal information Rant security

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