Fred Posner

Fred Posner personal blog

Not Choosing Nissan Again

Posted . ~4min read.

Here’s the back-story: Before we married, Yeni bought her first car. An exciting time for Yeni, having just moved to the US, buying her first car was a pretty big deal.

She chose a Nissan Versa, in bright blue, which was promptly named Bluecito. It’s a little car, but it’s a fun little car. Drives well, fun to drive, and surprisingly roomy for a small car.

After bringing Yeni (and Bluecito) down to Florida, the Mrs. decided that my truck was to stay in the driveway and the Nissan Versa would be living in the garage. The car is now 5 years old with 50k miles.

And now for the rest of the story…

Almost one week after the warranty ended, our little Nissan decided to break down in the parking lot of a local restaurant. A fuel pump and other items later, we paid our bill and

additionally purchased an extended warranty for the car.

Yeni had purchased the Nissan maintenance plan when she bought the car and (at the time) had been happy with Nissan. The maintenance plan includes (pre-pays) for oil changes and inspections.

In trying to keep this short… let me sum up. We paid a decent down payment for the extended warranty and then when we received a bill, paid it.

At some point, the bills stopped.

I called, had the address changed to the bakery (we get great mail delivery at the bakery), and paid the bills.

We had just started the bakery (within it’s 1st year or so) and we were working pretty long hours. Put it this way, we normally work 6 days a week, 12 hours or so a day. In the first year, it was more like 16/day.

Regardless, I never received another bill… and out of sight out of mind.

Fast forward to earlier this year… Yeni notices a shaking when turning at low speeds and we ask Nissan about it at her next service appointment. Low and behold, there is an issue which needs replacing.

They quote it to us at $600.00.

About this time, I quickly remembered that extended warranty we purchased… and learned that it had been cancelled for non-payment (yay).

I have a great mechanic that I use for the truck, and had them check it out for a 2nd opinion. First, they show me a service bulletin from Nissan alerting mechanics to the problem I described.

The issue is a known problem for her Versa, and something that was supposed to be looked for during each of her maintenance appointments. (Strike one)

Although the dealer informed us that this was a safety issue, my trusted mechanic said it was annoying, but not a safety issue. She added that was the main difference between it being a service bulletin and not a recall. (Strike two)

I called Nissan to find out why the warranty was cancelled… and why we hadn’t received any bills, notices… even a call. I’m simple, send me a bill– I pay it. I’m funny like that. (legitimate bill)

Anyway, the call went nowhere. Nissan blamed a finance company, then the dealer, and then me. After some cajoling, I got Nissan to call the finance company on a three-way… where they advised they don’t have any tracking numbers or verification that we were sent the notices.

When I asked why we didn’t get a call, I was told “At the time, we didn’t make calls. We have changed that policy.

I followed up, asking why the change… apparently I wasn’t the only person who says that no notices were received.

I gave Nissan a couple options… (1) Let’s refund what I gave you, (2) Lets extend it from today and start sending me bills, or (3) make me a counter offer.

Nissan said simply, “No.” No to options 1, 2, and 3. Nope. Nada. Ciao. I’m out the money. Period.

You know, just yesterday, during a call with ATT, I said:

If you treat your customers like crap,

you better make sure

you’re the only game in town.

When they called me yesterday, they were greeted to my “this call may be recorded” notice (I record calls), and when I answered, the Nissan rep stated “I need to tell you that this call can be recorded or monitored.” I always respond with “Thank you.”

Towards the end of the conversation, I reminded the Nissan rep that the call was recorded. She said, “I did not authorize you to record the call and do not consent.”

I reminded her that she told me the call can be monitored or recorded… and she said “that was just for us, only we can record the call.” I asked if they were recording the call as well, and she said “Yes.”

I told her in Florida… we both can record once it’s brought up.

She said she did not consent and terminated the call. How does that even make sense?

Does Nissan really expect me to ever recommend them? Or, purchase from them again?

My answer… simply, No.

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