Fred Posner

Fred Posner personal blog

Stop Networking / Start Helping

Posted . ~1min read.

I read a great blog post from Jeff Archibald called Stop Networking. It’s a great read (and it’s linked… so please read it) and something I related to personally.

I’ve been in many “networking groups” throughout the years. From the Chamber of Commerce to BNI, lunch groups (like A2B3) to social groups, my experiences with ANY networking group is mirrored in Jeff’s article.

Stop Networking & Start Helping

Stop thinking of your local business events as “networking opportunities” and start thinking of them as opportunities to help people. Be a giver, not a taker. Change your mindset from a selfish one to an unselfish one. It’ll come back around, trust me.Jeff Archibald

For me, helping people has been the only way to build lasting relationships and referral partners.

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