2016 in Review

Posted . ~2min read.

TL/DR; — I’m older, fatter, and even more bald (if possible).

In January, Yeni and I did something crazy… we finally took a honeymoon. Sure, some people do this right after getting married. Some might even take a honeymoon during their first year. We decided to wait 6 years and it was worth the wait.

You probably already guessed that we took a Disney cruise. You’d be right. We headed out on the Disney Dream for a 4 day cruise of the Caribbean and we cannot wait to go again. We loved every minute and started the year on an incredible high.

When we hit land, normal life greeted our arrival and it was back to work— Yeni headed to the bakery and I headed to ITEXPO.

2016 saw a lot of VoIP work for me; complete with visits to ClueCon and Astricon. Yeni made more cookies than ever before… but, I’ll leave that for another post.

The year that was…

By a landslide, with more than 30k impressions for some unknown reason, a #FlashbackFriday tweet where I referenced having hair...

Movies I saw in the theater (or theatre)

  • Finding Dory
  • Deadpool
  • Rogue One

Technically I saw Star Wars 7 in the theater (on the cruise), but I also saw it in 2015… so whatever.


  • Celebrated my birthday with Jenny Monin for the first time in 40 years
  • Took an amazing two week roadtrip with the Mrs over the summer
  • Redid a photo from 20 years ago with Samantha
  • Passed 200k miles on the truck

Everyone wants 2016 to End…

And yes, 2016 had some shit. But, in all (for me at least) it was a good year. A smiled a lot. I laughed a lot. I ate a lot (although it’s probably time to do something about that).

I met some incredible people. I got to know people I’ve met even better. I made new friends and strengthened existing relationships.

I was consistently reminded how lucky I am to be involved with open source VoIP… an incredible community. Seriously incredible.

In all, I shed a few tears… got angry a few times… smiled… laughed… and shared life with people I love.

Looking forward to doing this again in 2017.