Fred Posner

Fred Posner personal blog


Ain’t nothing wrong with Waffle House

Posted . ~1min read.

I love Waffle House. Not as much as my friend Patrick, but love it nonetheless. For those not in know, Waffle House is a 24/7 restaurant chain with more than 2,000 locations across the US.

Tagged: roadtrip waffle house

2017 in Review

Posted . ~2min read.

TL/DR; — Even older, even fatter, longer goatee.

Last year, Yeni and I crossed some items off her bucket list; most importantly visiting Castle Neuschwanstein and making it to Europe. I was able to attend a Kamailio World which exceeded all of by greatest expectations (I’ve already blocked out 2018).

Tagged: Kamailio travel

East Coast / West Coast

Posted . ~1min read.

This week, I spent a day in Seattle. Since I live 3,000 miles from Seattle, that single day cost me 3 (one day there, one day to fly there, and one day to fly back).

Bakery Cupcake Scam

Posted . ~4min read.

Besides writing about Perl, phones, geek items, and rants… I help my beautiful wife with our bakery business. She’s an amazing cake artist… but this isn’t about Yeni… and I told you that to tell you this…

The world ain’t all sunshine and rainbows. It’s a very mean and nasty place.

People will take advantage of anyone. Since we opened the bakery, we’ve received tremendous amounts of donation requests (some legit, many not so much) and about once every two weeks or so a flat out attempt to hustle some money.

Tagged: Fraud

Let's see how this goes…

Posted . ~1min read.

So normally we have Monday off — but today Yeni and I packed up the truck with some cakes and headed to Lake County for a delivery.

On the way back to Gainesville, we stopped off at the Wing Stop in Ocala. The Wing Stop is a Hooters knock-off with very good wings. Wings so good that Yeni suggested we stop there.

Tagged: Weight Yeni

Silver dollars

Posted . ~1min read.

Looks like my silver dollar collection came in handy. 🙂

Tagged: Bakery

Muffin Man

Posted . ~1min read.

[][1]Chocolate Chocolate Chip Muffin Yes, I know the muffin man. I know him very well. Too well.

Tagged: Bakery

The Tipping Conundrum

Posted . ~2min read.

So, the Mrs. and I (and her parents) enjoyed a very well cooked dinner at a local (and independent) restaurant here in town. The food was excellent; this is easily one of the best restaurants in town.

I enjoyed a drink (just one — I was driving), Yeni enjoyed a drink. Both were top notch.

So… when the bill came I was faced with a conundrum.

How much should I tip?

Tagged: tipping Weight Yeni

Fred Demonstrates Separating Egg Whites

Posted . ~1min read.

Had a little fun at the bakery tonight. =)

A few days ago, our food rep sent me a link to a Japanese video showing the separation of egg whites with a water bottle. Long story short?

I made an English version. 

Tagged: Bakery

Pizza Carbonara

Posted . ~4min read.

Everyone knows that Fred likes to eat. =) Tonight, while the Mrs. was hard at work finishing some cakes, it was up to me to make dinner.

From the moment I woke this morning I wanted pizza… so earlier today I put together some dough. Anticipation built, and come 7pm I was ready to take the dough from it’s 2nd rise and get to work.

Of course, it was about this time I checked the ingredients.

Tagged: Pizza

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