Fred Posner

Fred Posner personal blog

I want to write more often.

Posted . ~2min read.

I do. I honestly do. Writing for me is a release. From getting something off my mind, off my chest, or out in the open, writing can help me reduce stress, think something out, or help express something I’m focusing on.

I really want to write more often. I really want to exercise. I really want to do a lot of things. Right now, my limitations on completing my wants are limited by time. There’s only 24 hours in a day… some days I don’t even spend 3 of those sleeping. But this isn’t a pitty post. This is a wake up call.

Tagged: Dream Day Cakes esposa

Another truck, another 100k miles

Posted . ~2min read.

[100k miles, again][1]
100k miles, again.

I’ve owned a few Ford trucks. For a long time, I was very brand loyal to Ford– but that’s another story. This story is about my ass sitting behind the wheel for 100,000 miles, again. It may be the first time that this truck hit the 100k mark… but it’s not mine. 🙁

The first car I took past 100k was my 86′ Toyota Celica. Got that car used in 1990 (30k miles) and drove it until the axle disintegrated around 150k. I bought my Ford Ranger new off the lot in ’96. At 150k, I traded her in towards the Expedition I’m driving now. Bubba was a good ride… protected me when I got hit by a Greyhound bus, and Forrest just loved sticking his head out the rear window.

Tagged: Forrest Fred Posner road trip

A Quick Look at my County Taxes

Posted . ~2min read.

Here’s the quick and dirty breakdown (I’ve rounded the percentages):

So, the biggest amount seems, by far, to go to the School Board. I spend over $900.00 on public education– and being that I have no kids, I think that’s very generous of me. Of course, not realizing  this until now is completely my own fault.

Tagged: Alachua County Florida Gainesville property tax

Good, Fast, Cheap — Pick Two

Posted . ~2min read.

[Pick any two][1]
Pick Any Two

It’s not a phrase I invented… I wish I did, but it’s been around for ages.

Engineers will tell you they invented the Good, Fast, Cheap ideology with their “project triangle.” Web designers say that that own the idea for their pricing. Whomever invented it, the bottom line remains that no matter what you’re paying for you can pick two of the three: Good, Fast, or Cheap.

Fast and Cheap (aka Crap)

Lo barato sale caro (The cheap becomes expensive). In the long run, it’s going to cost you more. We have clichés for a reason– there’s a good amount of truth there. You can pay less now, but choosing that unlicensed roofer to save a few bucks will probably end up being a nightmare. If you’re lucky, you’ll only pay for the roof twice.

Tagged: Business

Happy Thanksgiving (2010)

Posted . ~3min read.

For me, each year revolves around the fourth Thursday in November. Thanksgiving remains my New Year’s Eve, my Christmas, my Hallmark moment. From the four corners of the earth, members of my family gather at my parent’s home in Fort Lauderdale for the festive meal– but it’s more than just a plate full of turkey and a side of dressing.

For my family, Thanksgiving provides us the perfect opportunity for a homecoming. In my childhood, the majority of us lived in just one state– generally at most a few hundred miles from each other. In today’s world, we find ourselves spread over the many continents. Each November, we gather in Fort Lauderdale with no plans whatsoever. There’s no agenda, no itinerary, no master plan. In fact, only a Thursday dinner remains certain.

Tagged: Thanksgiving

TSA and the Sacrifice of Freedom

Posted . ~4min read.

There’s no big secret where I’m going here. Not too much of a secret where I’ve been either. Most everyone knows that I’m a former police officer — if you didn’t, well you do now. I’m not one to label myself a conservative, liberal, or anything like that. I’m registered NPA (no party affiliation) and that’s exactly like I like it. When I vote, I vote for whom I like, although lately that seems an impossible task… but as usual… I digress.

If I were to lean one way or another, I’d most likely say my beliefs are somewhat libertarian. I believe that government is necessary, but must be severely limited. I want government out of my house, away from my body, and focused on protecting our nation from those that would cause us harm.

Tagged: freedom TSA


Posted . ~3min read.

[][1] Shibboleth

There are many things in this world that I like. If you’ve talked with me for any amount of time, the fact that I like eggs surely came up in conversation. Back in 2000, I really (and I mean REALLY) liked The West Wing. (I cannot believe 2000 was ten years ago)

My good friend Patrick and I most likely bonded over our enjoyment of The West Wing, and how the early episodes were written so fantastically that it made us want to (each) be full time writers. We’ve talked about this endlessly on VoIP Tech Chat, but I digress.

Tagged: shibboleth west wing

Got Cake in Gainesville?

Posted . ~2min read.

Gainesville Wedding Cakes and More

In case you haven’t realized, Yeni and I have opened a bakery in Gainesville, FL. We’ve named it Dream Day Cakes and, well, you MUST COME BY! First, let me tell you a little story.

Once upon a time, in the land of North Central Florida, there lived a boy named Fred Posner. Fred, a large, rotund, bald boy, loved eating, riding motorcycles, and living la vida loca. Not so much listening to La Vida Loca but actually living it.

Tagged: cakes esposa Florida Fred Posner Gainesville Wedding Cakes

More Cakes in Gainesville, FL

Posted . ~1min read.

Yeni’s baking away… and she’s got some amazing cakes made. Today she finished a Princess Slipper cake that literally blew me away. Crazy! [][1]Try this on, Princess

Tagged: cakes Florida Gainesville

Dream Day Cakes – Gainesville Bakery

Posted . ~1min read.

[][1]Dream Day Cakes A little self promotion never hurt… in theory. 😉 I have great news. Yeni’s been baking now for well over a year and her cakes are simply amazing.

Tagged: Bakery Florida Gainesville Wedding Cakes

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