Fred Posner

Fred Posner personal blog

Cliff Stearns: Lazy, Worthless

Posted . ~1min read.

I live in the congressional district represented by Cliff Stearns; you know the asshole who sponsored the amendment requiring that all 9/11 first responders be screened by the Department of Homeland Security when they request care for chronic medical conditions.

I disagreed with Stearns’ amendment. I disagree with what the TSA/Department of Homeland Security has done to our rights. I thought Stearn’s amendment insulted those who helped without question, treated heros as criminals, and all-in-all was just an asshole move. I wrote him a letter explaining my thoughts and indicated that I’m an active voter.

Well, months after my letter, I received a response:

Tagged: Cliff Stearns

Ron Paul: Spamming Asshole

Posted . ~2min read.

Just a few days ago, I posted how Ron Paul uses federal loopholes to spam people who continually unsubscribe from his list. I mentioned that should Ron Paul actually stop spamming me, he’d have my vote. Bottom Line: Vote is lost. I received 12 additional emails from Ron Paul in the last 3 days.

Let’s talk about the Federal CAN-SPAM Act of 2003 — an act created for “Controlling the Assault of Non-Solicited Pornography And Marketing.” In a nutshell, the act requires the following:

Tagged: Ron Paul spam

Love Hate Ron Paul

Posted . ~2min read.

I supported Ron Paul, twice. The key word here? Supported. I’ve always been an “Actions speak louder than words,” “show me, don’t tell me” kind of guy. Always. I may like what you say, but I don’t put belief into your words. Your actions show me what you really believe and, in my opinion, provide me a great prediction of your future actions.

When I supported Ron Paul, I supported his words. He truly separates himself from the pack of other politicians by answering questions directly, bringing appropriate priority to fiscal issues, and approaching government with a limited Federal role. You would think I would be donating time to the campaign. One point, I thought about it. But, actions speak louder than words. And Ron Paul just wouldn’t leave me alone.

He (through the campaign for liberty), called me. He called me again. He called me again. Despite my many, many, MANY requests to not be called, Ron Paul’s campaign for liberty didn’t care. The best way to show me you believe in government not harassing its people is to stop harassing me. I finally got the calls to stop with a certified, return-receipt letter and a threat of legal action.

Tagged: Ron Paul

Penn Jillette doesn't know.

Posted . ~6min read.

It’s amazing to me how many people think that voting to have the government give poor people money is compassion. Helping poor and suffering people is compassion. Voting for our government to use guns to give money to help poor and suffering people is immoral self-righteous bullying laziness.

Penn Jillette wrote a great op-ed piece on CNN today… “I don’t know, so I’m an atheist libertarian.” 

Tagged: Penn Jillette

Freedom's just another word

Posted . ~1min read.

Since George Carlin left, there’s just something missing.

Tagged: George Carlin

Dean Martin Bourbon Burgers

Posted . ~1min read.

I will never be as cool as Dean Martin. You also, will never be as cool as Dean Martin. Take for example, Dino’s burger recipe:

[Dean Martin Burger Recipe][1]
Dean Martin's Burger Recipe

Tagged: bourbon Dean Martin Recipe

One bite at a time.

Posted . ~4min read.

I’ve blogged about my weight — often. Being married to a wonderfully beautiful (and petite) woman, I constantly feel heavy. Of course, this isn’t her fault. After all, it’s not my jacket that makes me look fat. It’s my fault. Let’s face it, I’m fat.

There’s a thousand reasons and theories behind my stature. I’ve heard it’s the carbs. I’ve heard it’s the red meat (although that’s very limited thanks to the Mrs.). It’s high-fructose corn-syrup. It’s processed foods. It’s yatta yatta yatta. Bottom line: It’s me, it’s me, and it’s me. Much like Buffy the Vampire Slayer, I’ve got a theory (it’s not rabbits)… but let me digress.

I’ve tried low carb.

Tagged: Weight

Hi. My name is Fred, and I'm a Kamailian.

Posted . ~3min read.

I got thrown into VoIP in a sink or swim situation — and thankfully, I’m a strong swimmer. I’ve talked previously about my love of phones. Growing up in New York City, my family would purposely avoid walking on certain blocks to avoid me seeing pay-phones. As a child, I loved phones. I still love phones.

My love of phones made me what I am today. I am a Kamailian. 

Tagged: consulting Kamailio OpenSER SIP

Cousin Spotlight: Tovah Perrin

Posted . ~1min read.

Tovah Perrin
Yeni loves this jacket.

I blog about my family often. Why? Well, I love my family. Both my father and mother come from large extended families that treat family as family. We’re close. Over the years not physically close, but we remain a close-knit supportive family.

I may not talk to my cousins every month. Sometimes a year can go by. But with my family, I know that help is a phone call away. 24/7. No questions asked. Because that is what family is.

Tagged: Family Tovah Perrin

I still love my dog.

Posted . ~1min read.

[][1]My Desktop So, a few friends were visiting the bakery the other day and I was showing the young daughter around (I was sneaking her some pretzel M&M’s, but that stays between us).

Tagged: Forrest

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