Fred Posner

Fred Posner personal blog

Fresh Turkey.

Posted . ~1min read.

We know I love me some Thanksgiving. These turkeys surrounded the shop today… making me think it’s time to get ready for the fourth Thursday of November. =) =)

[Turkey, Thanksgiving][1]
Gobble Gobble

Tagged: Thanksgiving

Franklin Manure Quote

Posted . ~1min read.

Benjamin Franklin Benjamin Franklin remains my favorite founding father. … God forbid we should ever be twenty years without such a rebellion. The people cannot be all, and always, well informed.

Tagged: Benjamin Franklin

The Bourbon page…

Posted . ~1min read.

Bourbon vs. Whiskey is back. That is all. =)

Tagged: bourbon


It's homecoming

Posted . ~1min read.

It’s homecoming… a weird concept if you happen to live in the town where you went to school… but nonetheless, a holiday the City of Gainesville takes very seriously. Yes, I said holiday.

You see, in town the schools are closed. Many businesses close their doors or have allowances for people to leave early. There’s a parade (which means UPS drivers come in a few hours early to make sure they can deal with the traffic/road closures).

Tagged: Gainesville homecoming UF

This really says it all…

Posted . ~1min read.

[][1]Google, Facebook, and You

Tagged: Facebook

Happy Halloween!

Posted . ~1min read.

[][1]Happy Halloween!

Tagged: Dream Day Cakes esposa

The Ben Franklin Effect

Posted . ~3min read.

[Benjamin Franklin][1]
Benjamin Franklin

We all know my love of Benjamin Franklin— which means I am completely biased.

Let’s face it… he’s one of the founders of our country (assuming you’re in the United States). His quotes from hundreds of years ago still carry relevance in our daily lives. From electricity to mail, freedom to libraries, this man probably touches your life on a daily basis.

That being said, today’s lesson of greatness revolves around The Benjamin Franklin Effect. Don’t worry, we’ll cover the what, why, and how… starting right now.

Tagged: Ben Franklin effect Benjamin Franklin Benjamin Franklin effect

Benjamin Franklin says…

Posted . ~1min read.

Love your Enemies, for they tell you your Faults.

Tagged: Benjamin Franklin

What is a hero?

Posted . ~4min read.

Words contain power– power that becomes diluted with overuse. The word hero gets thrown around so often it has completely lost its power. It’s become an expected title bestowed on anyone doing a good deed. Which brings me to my question… what is a hero?

Tagged: hero hero asshole test

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