Fred Posner

Fred Posner personal blog

Thanksgiving Message 2021

Posted . ~2min read.

Every year (more or less) I write a Thanksgiving message as Thanksgiving is my favorite Holiday of the year. Lets talk Thanksgiving 2021.

Tagged: Thanksgiving

Freeswitch 1.10.7 Released

Posted . ~1min read.

The major announcement at ClueCon 2021 was the release of FreeSWITCH 1.10.7.

Tagged: FreeSWITCH SIP Security ClueCon

APIBAN Now Has IPset

Posted . ~2min read.

APIBAN helps prevent unwanted SIP traffic by identifying addresses of known bad actors before they attack your system. IPsets (lists of IPs) can be used by many firewalls, iptables, and appliances (such as pfsense, opnsense, etc.) to block unwanted traffic to your network.

Tagged: Kamailio SIP Security APIBAN

Handling Non-SIP Attacks With Kamailio

Posted . ~3min read.

The core parser of Kamailio helps protect your system against non-SIP traffic. But, theres even more you can and should do.

Tagged: Kamailio SIP Security

Moving to Hugo

Posted . ~1min read.

After spending decades with Wordpress, it was time to try something different.

Handling SIP Flood Attacks Using Kamailio

Posted . ~3min read.

The PIKE module within Kamailio helps protect your system against SIP Flood Attacks. But, theres even more you can and should do.

Tagged: Kamailio

Thanksgiving 2020

Posted . ~2min read.

Normally, I write these posts the night before Thanksgiving… after all, Thanksgiving remains my absolute favorite holiday. A time to gather with family (remember…. friends are the family you choose), express gratitude, and eat great food.

Tagged: Thanksgiving

The Palner Group @ 20 Years

Posted . ~3min read.

Twenty years ago, I started The Palner Group, Inc. with the goal of providing technology consulting as a service. 2000 feels like a century ago (I’ve not thought about the millennium bug for some time now) and I’m using this anniversary to reflect on having this company for two decades.

Tagged: Business palner Small Business

Kamailio World (online) 2020

Posted . ~1min read.

This has been a really different year. After attending ITEXPO back in February, I was looking forward to a great visit to Berlin for Kamailio World.

I love my wife

Posted . ~3min read.

Been a rough few months for the wife’s business and sadly, we had to announce the closure of Bearkery® earlier this week. For 10 years, I’ve watched Yeni pour her heart and sole into the bakery and although we saw it coming and prepared, the end was nonetheless heartbreaking.

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