Fred Posner

Fred Posner personal blog


Posted . ~1min read.

Back in Florida and listening to Mr. Jimmy Buffett on Sirius. Go Gators.

Tagged: road trip

Stopped in Atlanta (again)

Posted . ~0min read.

Tagged: road trip


Posted . ~1min read.

Just a little more than half way.

Tagged: road trip


Posted . ~1min read.

Tennessee. Love these mountains. Love them.

Tagged: road trip


Posted . ~1min read.

Welcome to Kentucky. Did I mention how much I don’t like Ohio traffic? Can’t wait to see those Mountains.

Tagged: Ohio road trip


Posted . ~1min read.

Trying a new way

Tagged: Ohio road trip

Late start

Posted . ~1min read.

Driving to Gainesville.

Tagged: Gainesville road trip

Welcome to Michigan

Posted . ~1min read.


Tagged: road trip

Less bars in more places

Posted . ~1min read.

So, the iphone rocks in that I can update this site and facebook while driving. But as a phone? Horrible. I’m dropping calls left and right.

Tagged: iPhone road trip

200 miles to go!

Posted . ~1min read.

Filled up in Troy, Ohio and got another Dew. Only 200 miles left.

Tagged: Ohio road trip

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