Fred Posner

Fred Posner personal blog

RIP, Brother

Posted . ~1min read.

My good friend was murdered this morning during a robbery. The only word that comes to mind is devastated. [][1]Rest In Peace my friend

Progress Report from Gainesville

Posted . ~1min read.

GAINESVILLE, FL — So for the last few weeks, I’ve been working hard to get the house “ready to sell.” With the help of Orlando, Linda, and Richard (aka J4 Cruisers), the kitchen, master bedroom, and living room have been painted.

Tagged: Ann Arbor esposa Gainesville paint realtor remodel road trip wood floor

Meet Cartoon Fred

Posted . ~1min read.

[][1]Cartoon Fred There’s a great site out there where you can create a cartoon avatar of yourself — it’s called Face your Manga (it’s an Italian company).

Tagged: Fred Posner

Zippo on the iPhone

Posted . ~1min read.

[][1] Screen capture from Freds iPhone We know that I love Zippo lighters. If the economy was based on Zippo lighters, I’d be a rich man — but alas… that’s discussion for another rant.

Tagged: iPhone Zippo

I have a yellow crowbar now

Posted . ~1min read.

Yellow Crowbar, Utility Knife… Punk bands from the 80’s? Spackle, Measuring Fee… Things you bought at Home Depot And we have a winner. 🙂 Home Depot has carpet marked significantly lower than my previous estimate.

Tagged: Gainesville house remodel twitter wood floor

Carpet Estimate — Ouchie!

Posted . ~2min read.

First… let me tell you how big the Spiders are in Gainesville. They are what I like to call HFS big… (Holy Fucking Shit Big). Except for Peter Parker, I’ve never liked spiders… but at least growing up they were managable annoyances.

Tagged: Gainesville house remodel spiders wood floor

I'm not a great painter…

Posted . ~1min read.

Well, there are three main rooms that need to be painted. The Kitchen, the Master Bedroom, and the Living Room. The Kitchen was mostly a second coat.

Tagged: Gainesville house paint realtor

Back in Gainesville

Posted . ~2min read.

GAINESVILLE, FL — So I’m back in Gainesville trying to get the house ready for selling. I had chosen a realtor who made some amazing decisions that would be sure to get me that “quick” sale.

Tagged: Gainesville house little nemo paint wood floor

Headed to Arizona

Posted . ~1min read.

I’m flying from Detroit to Phoenix to attend Astrocon– a conference of Asterisk users. It’s the first time I’ve gotten to attend a conference on a product I both like and am interested in; so I’m pretty excited.

Tagged: Geeky road trip VoIP

For Yeni

Posted . ~1min read.

To make her smile. Keep on rocking in the free world. 🙂 [][1]Rock it Fred. Keep going gators.

Tagged: 80s esposa Fred Posner

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