Fred Posner

Fred Posner personal blog

30 minute mile

Posted . ~1min read.

Sadly, I could walk faster. Yeni found a different way to handle the traffic…

Tagged: road trip

Stuck in Cincinnatti

Posted . ~1min read.

Stuck in traffic in Ohio just North of Kentucky. Looks backed up for miles.

Tagged: Ohio road trip

Sunrise in Dayton

Posted . ~1min read.

We found a DD in Dayton thanks to Yeni needing a bathroom. Watching the sunrise as we get close to the mountains. It is a pretty cold 15 degrees.

Tagged: road trip

Welcome to Ohio

Posted . ~1min read.

Home of the speed limit.

Tagged: Ohio road trip

The saga begins

Posted . ~1min read.

Fred drives. Yeni does crafts.

Tagged: road trip

Motrin Moms

Posted . ~2min read.

Heard about Motrin Moms? So Motrin (yeah, the pain reliever) just a little headache today courtesy of Twitter. They launched a new ad campaign targeting the pains of moms… however… the campaign did not sit well.

Tagged: motrin moms twitter

New Star Trek Trailer

Posted . ~1min read.

New Star Trek trailer posted today. I’m starting to get excited about this movie. [][2]Star Trek coming May 2009

Tagged: Movies Star Trek

I can't believe it snowed already

Posted . ~1min read.

[][1]Yeni and our new winter placemats. ANN ARBOR — Can you believe it’s snowed already? I mean… come on! It’s not even Thanksgiving yet. Well, luckily, Yeni and I literally just bought a coat for me before the snow fell.

Tagged: Ann Arbor esposa snow

Goodbye October. Hello November.

Posted . ~2min read.

Normally, October is my favorite month. This year, nay nay. My sister summed it up quite simply — “Sounds like you had a super crappy October, so I’m happy that it’s November now.

Tagged: Ann Arbor Gainesville Harley-Davidson

Birthdays and Moves, The Week That Was

Posted . ~2min read.

Normally, I look forward to celebrating 2 days every year — my birthday and Thanksgiving. Thanksgiving is a religious event for me. The combination of family and friends gathered to celebrate thanks brings me more satisfaction than any other time of the year.

Tagged: Ann Arbor esposa Fred Posner Harley-Davidson road trip spider-man

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