Fred Posner

Fred Posner personal blog

Bugs, Smoke, and Rain

Posted . ~1min read.

Having a Harley is clearly one of the best things that’s ever happened to me. And, this weekend… for my moms XXth birthday, I rode down from Gainesville to “sunny” Fort Lauderdale on the Road King.

Tagged: Gainesville

Fred sees Spider-man 3

Posted . ~1min read.

As a Spider-fan, there was only requirement of me this weekend… See Spider-man 3. There’s going to be a lot of people who won’t love this movie– but I won’t be one of them.

Tagged: Geeky spider-man

Spider-man 3 opens… today!

Posted . ~2min read.

Well, I missed the midnight showing… but with fucking Gwen Stacy listed as a character there’s no way in hell I’m missing this movie’s opening weekend.

Tagged: Geeky spider-man

The ugliest shoes I've ever known

Posted . ~1min read.

I’ve been seeing these ugly ass shoes more and more lately. At first I didn’t even know how to describe them-they looked like 20% oompa loompa, 30% dutch boy, and 50% day glow 80’s chic.

So horrible

Posted . ~0min read.

Posted . ~1min read.

So after Forrest passed I wanted to start a Foundation… basically something that would try to raise money for dog charities such as Malinois Rescue, etc.

Tagged: Forrest

Go Gators!

Posted . ~1min read.

How awesome is a repeat of Basketball and during the off-season a championship in Football? I think my degree just increased in value. 🙂

A month? Really?

Posted . ~1min read.

Funny how time “flies” when you’re working all the time. I was doing so well with updaing these, too. Let’s see… what’s happened in the last 30 days?

To think I did all that

Posted . ~2min read.

We know that Sinatra— hell, the whole Rat Pack— put’s me in a good mood. Why? Who fucking knows; but that’s neither here nor there. A while ago I stumbled on Sirius Satellite Radio, thinking it would make the trip to Fort Lauderdale go nicely.

Rothchilde en Tubo

Posted . ~1min read.

I love cigars. Love them. Love them. I’m now making sure I enjoy cigars more often—the only problem being the local stores in Gainesville charge through the ass for the simple pleasure of a good cigar.

Tagged: Gainesville

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