Fred Posner

Fred Posner personal blog

Not a button to push, just do it.

Posted . ~2min read.

Selected quotes… for no apparent reason: In certain extreme situations, the law is inadequate. In order to shame its inadequacy it is necessary to act outside the law – to pursue natural justice.

Rescue Me is still the best.

Posted . ~1min read.

Without a doubt… the fucking best show on TV. No doubts… I never thought I would look forward to a show more than The Soprano’s but damn it if I didn’t get proved wrong.

Ne te quaesiveris extra

Posted . ~3min read.

You gotta love Ralph Waldo Emerson. Not the man, and not all of his writings… but some of them that is. I always loved parts of Self-Reliance.

10 days, 0 reboots

Posted . ~1min read.

I love my Mac. I cannot believe I didn’t embrace this earlier– could be the years of windows use or the bias I felt from the training days… but I was real slow to open my heart to linux and mac’s… and now that I’m there… 2 words… Damn!

Fred buys a Mac

Posted . ~1min read.

Well, I’ve been using PC’s since 1993.. before then, I either didn’t use computers or used Apple 2’s :). Anyway, lately… I simply have not been feeling that lovey-happy-go-lucky feeling for Windows.


Posted . ~0min read.

Tagged: Forrest

Family Feud Rant

Posted . ~4min read.

Reposted from the old site: Ok… many of you know that I have recently acquired digital satellite service for the house. Yes — the clarity and sound are amazing.

mini rant

Posted . ~2min read.

I admit it — I love movies. Whether it’s quoting dialogue, mentioning an obscure reference, or just general film trivia, I love talking about movies. To make things worse, the only thing I tend to talk about more than movies is my dog.

The Tipping Rant

Posted . ~4min read.

I, like many other people, enjoy going out to eat on a regular basis. I’m not talking about grabbing a happy meal at the local McyD’s or a sandwich at Subway here.

Disney 2007

Posted . ~0min read.

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