Fred Posner

Fred Posner personal blog

Forrest 12-7-1994 to 12-20-2006

Posted . ~2min read.

They say that we should be thankful for the pain we feel with the loss of a loved one; as the pain we feel is a measure of the love felt for them.

Tagged: Forrest

Mama, take this badge off of me…

Posted . ~1min read.

Shitty start generally leads to a shitty day. But there’s a bright point. Between a month where nothing seems to work right for me, and Forrest’s deteriorating health I received my Hanukwanzika gift from my sister and from Martin.

Tagged: Forrest

Fred Posner, Barista

Posted . ~1min read.

5 years ago, if someone said that I’d be buying an Espresso machine, I would have called them an idiot. I never liked coffee. The taste used to make me dry heave and other than yogurt, was one of my most hated flavors.

Goodbye Dish Network

Posted . ~1min read.

After spending a few weeks with my family in SoFla, I returned to the abode in Gainesville to find that Dish Network had dropped my NBC.

Tagged: Gainesville

Miami Vice wasn't just a show…

Posted . ~2min read.

Well, after seeing Superman Returns the other week, I wasn’t all too excited to see Miami Vice. I mean, how many tv shows can we turn into movies?

Fred sees Superman Returns

Posted . ~3min read.

Not since the final Star Wars film or perhaps even Spider-man had I been this excited to see a film. For the entire day, the thought of seeing Superman Returns has kept me in a great mood.

Tagged: Geeky New York spider-man

Spider-man 3!!!

Posted . ~1min read.

Yes, I’m psyched that Superman opens tomorrow… but did you know that Spider-man 3 has a new trailer out? And we all know that Fred’s number one favorite super-hero is the web-head himself… (followed closely of course by Captain Marvel).

Tagged: Geeky spider-man

Rescue Me is the Best Show on TV

Posted . ~2min read.

How good is Rescue Me? How good? I can’t even sum up the fucking words to give the due credit this show deserves. I was going to sum up my feelings of the show is nonsensical song lyrics, such as: Rescue Me is simply the best.

Tagged: New York

Fred's Bourbon Sour

Posted . ~1min read.

Well… the diet is still going on (and on and on) and yes… I know it’s only been 2 days, but I’ve phased out a lot of corn syrup and other crap.

Make way for the Bad Guy!

Posted . ~1min read.

I love Scarface and I love HDTV… so when you put the two together… well it’s like a chocolate-peanut butter combination of home theater. And yes, I believe that theater is spelled with an er and not for some reason spelled theat_re_.

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