Fred Posner

Fred Posner personal blog

Astricon 2017

Posted . ~1min read.

This year, as usual, I am honored to again be speaking at Astricon — the annual telecommunication conference celebrating all things Asterisk (as well as other open source VoIP).

Tagged: Astricon VoIP

Hurricane Irma: All Clear

Posted . ~2min read.

TL/DR; We’re all good. No damage to the house (that we can see), power is back, Internet is back — we are very fortunate. We started feeling some wind Sunday evening and the rain hadn’t let up since Saturday night.

Tagged: Florida Gainesville Irma

Irma Path Updated

Posted . ~1min read.

This morning (2017-09-09), Irma has decided to take a westwardly stroll towards the gulf. This is very good news for South Florida, but less exciting for us here in North Florida.

Tagged: Florida Gainesville Irma

Riding Out the Storm

Posted . ~3min read.

Sometimes a blog post is an easy way of giving a group update… Last night the track for Hurricane Irma places Gainesville, Florida in the path of the storm.

Tagged: Florida Gainesville hurricane

Kamailio World 2017: Why I Love Kamailio

Posted . ~0min read.

Tagged: Kamailio

Mitel Thinks Knowledge is a Risk

Posted . ~7min read.

Recently, Mitel posted to their corporate blog the Six Major Risks of Open Source Phone Systems. I love when companies do this sort of scare tactic piece and, like many others I’m sure, I clicked the bait and read their article…

Before going off on the piece, please allow me to present the (according to Mitel) six MAJOR risks of open source phone systems:

  1. Knowledge
  2. Support
  3. Product roadmap
  4. Customization
  5. Licensing
  6. Security

Now, the only one which sounds like a risk to me is Security… so let’s attack that one first. 

Marco Rubio Wants Encryption Backdoor

Posted . ~3min read.

Recently, as part of an EFF push to “save” encryption, I wrote to my Senators and Congressman to encourage the government to ensure security is not weakened with backdoors to encryption.

My Congressman has a difference of opinion with me regarding most things Internet related– so I don’t expect a response.

Here below is the response from Senator Marco Rubio:

Tagged: encryption marco rubio

New Year, New Profile

Posted . ~1min read.

Welcomed 2017 with a new profile pic, posted here in it’s OMG did you need a profile shot that big glory: Fred Posner 2017 Profile Pic I’ve used a few profile shots over the years… from cartoons to Brooklyn, more cartoons to shots of me and the Mrs at Disney…

Make America Sick Again

Posted . ~2min read.

Ugh… please tell me you’re sick of the two party system. My wish for the New Year would be for people to open their eyes and look outside a two-party system that has sucked the marrow from our country’s life.

I haven’t even started, and I already have digressed.

Anyway… today, the buzz around town is the Democratic response to the Republican (apparent) repeal of the Affordable Care Act. I’ve not been a supporter of the ACA, and when I wrote about this back in 2010, I never imagined the costs would be even worse than I had projected.

2016 in Review

Posted . ~2min read.

TL/DR; — I’m older, fatter, and even more bald (if possible).

In January, Yeni and I did something crazy… we finally took a honeymoon. Sure, some people do this right after getting married. Some might even take a honeymoon during their first year. We decided to wait 6 years and it was worth the wait.

You probably already guessed that we took a Disney cruise. You’d be right. We headed out on the Disney Dream for a 4 day cruise of the Caribbean and we cannot wait to go again. We loved every minute and started the year on an incredible high.

When we hit land, normal life greeted our arrival and it was back to work— Yeni headed to the bakery and I headed to ITEXPO.

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