Fred Posner

Fred Posner personal blog

Going back to Berlin

Posted . ~1min read.

In just a couple weeks, the Mrs. and I will be headed back to Berlin for Kamailio World. Last year, we visited for the first time and Berlin truly made an amazing impression.

Tagged: Berlin Kamailio

Incompetence Quote

Posted . ~1min read.

“Useful men, who do useful things, don’t mind being treated as useless. But the useless always judge themselves as being important and hide all their incompetence behind authority.

My wife…

Posted . ~1min read.

Sure, she’s beautiful… But knowing my wife will RTFM when she has a problem is one of the hottest things I’ve seen. Fred Posner (@fredposner) April 6, 2018

Tagged: RTFM

Property Tax Story

Posted . ~4min read.

So, in my recent Facebook post I teased about a property tax story… here we go.

Fred vs the Property Appraiser

When Yeni and I started dating it was a long distance relationship. She came to the States and lived in Ann Arbor, working for the government on an H1 Visa— this means that if she left her job, she’d have to move back to her (at the time) country. In other words, she could not come live in Gainesville at the time.

Well, as luck would have it, we started dating around the 2008 housing crisis. I tried putting the house up for sale, and after 1 year of no offers, watched my home value drop monthly. Good times. 

Tagged: Alachua County personal information property tax

Deleting Facebook

Posted . ~2min read.

Mostly due to the recent news regarding Cambridge Analytica and people’s private information, many people have responded to a #DeleteFacebook trend —including the co-founder of WhatsApp. Don’t forget: WhatsApp was sold to Facebook a few years ago for over 15 billion (pause for a second… this is billion, not million here) and now someone who benefitted greatly from that deal also suggests deleting facebook.

Clearly I’m biased. Almost 5 years ago, I followed my friend Michael White‘s example and deleted my facebook account. Of course, this movement has more to do with personal information than oversharing of said personal information. 

Tagged: Facebook

My Thoughts on Enterprise Connect

Posted . ~2min read.

This year I decided to head down to Orlando and catch the Enterprise Connect show. Usually, the VoIP shows I attend deal with open source products and target Developers (as well as users, purchasers, etc). Enterprise Connect mostly highlights non-open source telephony offerings from such companies as Cisco, Slack, Microsoft, Avaya, etc.

After a few days here in beautiful Orlando, I still am not sure who Enterprise Connect had in mind for a target audience. Did they want those with technical skills? Not sure– none of the talks really went into anything technical. Decision makers? Influencers? No idea. 

Tagged: Orlando VoIP

Kamailio World 2018 is coming!

Posted . ~2min read.

It’s not too late to make plans to visit Berlin this May and join us at Kamailio World 2018.

Kamailio World allows Kamailians, VoIP enthusiasts, and more to Connect, Inspire, and Create during an amazing conference. Last year, Yeni and I flew out for the first time and I only regretted not attending before.

I am lucky (and honored) to attend many VoIP conferences throughout the year and Kamailio World is on my must attend list for a simple reason— the ability to connect with this amazing community will inspire you to create something amazing. 

Tagged: Kamailio

I went to ITEXPO…

Posted . ~1min read.

… and all I got was the flu. Flu Shot. Worst investment of 2018

Asterisk World 2018

Posted . ~1min read.

Friends, this Valentine’s day you will find me in beautiful Fort Lauderdale, Florida at the 2018 Asterisk World!

Sure, I could have chosen to help out at the bakery during this time… or even to spend Valentine’s Day with the Mrs… but this was an easy decision. 

Tagged: Asterisk

2017 in Review

Posted . ~2min read.

TL/DR; — Even older, even fatter, longer goatee.

Last year, Yeni and I crossed some items off her bucket list; most importantly visiting Castle Neuschwanstein and making it to Europe. I was able to attend a Kamailio World which exceeded all of by greatest expectations (I’ve already blocked out 2018).

Tagged: Kamailio travel

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