APIBAN now integrates with fail2ban

We have a new go(lang) based APIBAN client that will send IP addresses directly to your chosen fail2ban jail. The new client comes to us from concerns of FreePBX users of fail2ban fighting iptables additions. There’s other benefits for freepbx users, including seeing IP addresses in the GUI, etc. There’s also a super simple, lazy install method: curl -sSL https://raw.githubusercontent.com/apiban/apiban-fail2ban/main/install.sh | bash -s -- APIBANKEY (where APIKEY is your APIBAN API KEY)...

April 12, 2024 1 min Fred Posner

APIBAN Now with HTTP Honeypot Data

You’ve probably heard me say (once or twice)… APIBAN helps prevent unwanted SIP traffic by identifying addresses of known bad actors before they attack your system. Bad actors are collected through globally deployed honeypots and curated by LOD/APIBAN. I started APIBAN back in 2020 and for the past 3 years have greatly enjoyed helping others protect their SIP systems from IP addresses sending unwanted traffic. The service is provided for FREE....

December 21, 2023 1 min Fred Posner

APIBAN now supports Cisco and Juniper formats

We recently made some dramatic enhancements to the APIBAN infrastructure. As I joked on Mastodon, I must be getting older as these improvements were made well before an emergency. If you’re not familiar, APIBAN helps prevent unwanted SIP traffic by identifying addresses of known bad actors before they attack your system. Bad actors are collected through globally deployed honeypots and curated by LOD. You can access this data via API or automatically block the traffic with our open source client....

April 14, 2023 1 min Fred Posner

APIBAN Now Has IPset

APIBAN helps prevent unwanted SIP traffic by identifying addresses of known bad actors before they attack your system. Bad actors are collected through globally deployed honeypots and curated by LOD/APIBAN. APIBAN started from discussions at tech conferences (in particular Kamailio World and Astricon). Most of the attendees had seen increases in malicious SIP traffic and we all thought there should be a way to share the active “bad actors.” When I found myself with some downtime, and with the support of LOD, some honeypots were deployed… and API made to share the data, and APIBAN was born....

October 21, 2021 2 min Fred Posner