Fred Posner

Fred Posner personal blog


Astricon 2024/ITEXPO

Posted . ~1min read.

Astricon 2024, co-hosted with ITEXPO, will be held in February 2024. I will not be attending.

Tagged: Astricon Asterisk ITEXPO


Posted . ~1min read.

ITEXPO 2022 is done. Very brief summary of the event.

Tagged: Astricon Asterisk ITEXPO

Thoughts on the Astricon 2023/ITEXPO announcemnent

Posted . ~4min read.

Sangoma announces that Astricon 2023 will be co-located with ITEXPO in FTL in Feb 2023. My thoughts.

Tagged: Astricon Asterisk ITEXPO

Astricon 2019 Thoughts

Posted . ~4min read.

TL;DR A few weeks ago, I had some strong concerns over Sangoma’s stewardship of Asterisk and FreePBX. Since that post, Astricon showed that Sangoma definitely appreciates the open source VoIP community and I’m optimistic for the future.

I, along with 300+ others, attended Astricon 2019 during the last week of October in Atlanta, Georgia. This year’s Astricon differed dramatically from others — there was no expo hall, fewer presentations, fewer tracks.

Tagged: Asterisk Astricon Open Source

Astricon 2017

Posted . ~1min read.

This year, as usual, I am honored to again be speaking at Astricon — the annual telecommunication conference celebrating all things Asterisk (as well as other open source VoIP).

Tagged: Astricon VoIP

Expanding Asterisk with Kamailio

Posted . ~1min read.

I was honored to have been chosen as a speaker during Astricon 2015. Thanks to the miracle of modern, digital technology you can now see my presentation online from the comfort of your own chair.

Relive the excitement… or watch it for the very first time. =)

Tagged: Astricon Kamailio

Astricon, here I come!

Posted . ~1min read.

[][1]Fred Posner @ Astricon 2009 It’s October and that means I’m going to Phoenix! Astricon, the meet-up of Asterisk users / developers / fans / etc, starts October 13th, and this year I received the honor of presenting.

Tagged: Asterisk Astricon esposa Fred Posner

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