Fred Posner

This time, it's for real

Posted . ~3min read.

[Baby Forrest and Thin Fred][1]
Baby Forrest and Thin Fred

Ah… getting older. I’ve noticed that as I have aged, the hair line recedes and the gut expands. Not truly the look I dreamed about as I pictured myself approaching forty, but the look I’ve achieved nonetheless. Speaking of forty…

Jimmy Buffett’s “A Pirate Looks at Forty” remains one of my all time favorite songs. I don’t know why, but for more than 20 years I just have simply loved that song. The thought of now being closer to 40 than 30 brings a different appreciation of the song… and well… just is simply an odd feeling. Anyway, as usual I digress…

So, as I’ve gotten older, I’ve well… I’ve become more rotund. I’ve posted and written about it many times. Hell, I even have a website called Fat Freddy Says. But the reality remains, that I’m bigger than I want to be and it’s not my coat that makes me look fat. The other month, Yeni and I bought a

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Battle of Cartoon Freds

Posted . ~1min read.

So, a new year, a new cartoon Fred… which one do you like better?

[2008 Fred][1]
2008 Fred
2009 Fred

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Back from a great, long weekend

Posted . ~2min read.

To celebrate my youngest cousin’s high school graduation, Yeni and I headed to Albany to join the celebration. Instead of flying, we packed very lightly and took the Harley 650 miles east from Ann Arbor to Albany, mostly following I-90 (we were going to go through Canada, but that’s a different story).

The trip to Albany was amazing and covered parts of Michigan, Ohio, Pennsylvania, and New York. Cities included Toledo, Cleveland, Erie, Buffalo, Syracuse, and Albany. Normally, when traveling on the Interstate, you really don’t get to see much, and with this trip, we set that as our expectation. Gladly, we were wrong. I had never been West of Albany (yes, I’m one of those type of New Yorker’s) and

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Welcome to June

Posted . ~1min read.

[More pics...][1]
More pics...

Yeni and I just got back from a quick trip to Chicago… visiting her brother as well as celebrating our first month of married life. 🙂

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Quick and Dirty News

Posted . ~1min read.

No, it’s not a reference to Cinco de Mayo… but just simply, the quick and dirty news for Fred Posner. Let’s see… recently I:

And those are the biggies I guess. 🙂

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New Pics are Up

Posted . ~1min read.

Today I posted some pictures on Picasa… they include:

  1. Our trip to Cabella’s (45 pictures)
  2. January 2009 (34 pictures)
  3. February 2009 (33 pictures)
  4. Disney March 2009 (46 pictures)
  5. March 2009 (15 pictures)

Still to come? Pictures from my sister’s wedding and more! 🙂 There’s decent pictures in each section…

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Ann Arbor Blocks My Parking App

Posted . ~1min read.

Ann Arbor DDA, you massively fail. If you were a ship, you’d be the titanic…

Can you believe in today’s world that a government agency would conspire and discuss the control of public information? What if that information was a top secret as… parking space availability?

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Hot off the press…

Posted . ~1min read.

So, the big news is that Yeni and I got engaged at Disney on 3/3/09.

More info is posted on our website,

[Pin Courtesy of Disney World][1]
Pin Courtesy of Disney World

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Fred Posner in the News

Posted . ~1min read.

Some of the local papers / sites picked up the Parking Space story… check it out:


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And we're back…

Posted . ~1min read.

GoDaddy had some sort of “issue” that had this site down most of the day… Can you believe it? The nerve of them to mess with Geesh.

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