Fred Posner

Fred Posner personal blog


Next stop: Thanksgiving 2010

Posted . ~2min read.

[Curb Appeal? Not so much.][1]
Curb Appeal? Not so much.

Thanksgiving 2009 involved family, a road trip, and lots of yard work. Although Yeni and I made yet another trip to Florida, we sadly did not get the opportunity to visit all our friends and family “on the list.”

While traveling to sunny Fort Lauderdale, we took a pit-stop in Gainesville and checked out the house. The condition shocked us. It looked absolutely horrible and had what could only be described as negative curb appeal. We headed down to SoFla and knew we had to return and get down to business on some serious yardwork.

Borrowing a chainsaw from the old man, we quickly got to work on the thickest of foliage decorating the house.

Tagged: Gainesville house road trip Thanksgiving

Thanksgiving Message 2009

Posted . ~3min read.

Every year, on the fourth Thursday in November, families across the United States gather to give thanks. Some years, the “thanks” flow easily. Other years, families struggle to find the a reason for celebration.

Like so many before, this year brought us joy, sadness, and everything in-between. Life often gets compared to a roller coaster ride. A metaphor I’ve used, but truly don’t like.

Tagged: Family Thanksgiving

Different Month, Different Design

Posted . ~3min read.

[My girl (with my grandmas rolling pin)][1]
My girl (with my grandmas rolling pin)

It’s that time of the year again… the time where Fred decides to:

  1. Talk about himself in the third person
  2. Change the website design
  3. Look forward to Thanksgiving
  4. Digress

Well, we all know that #3 and #4 happen all year long. Man I love some Thanksgiving. (uh oh, looks like I’m talking in the first person again)

So what’s been happening?

We recently purchased a Kitchen-Aid mixer; sadly, something Yeni and I always wanted. Well, maybe not so sad I guess. I mean we both love to cook and she’s been cooking up a storm. We’re talking homemade cannoli, homemade cakes with fondant, and did I mention everything is 100% homemade from scratch? I’ve only used the mixer a couple of times to make bread, but it really does keep with our theme: Dreams come true. Even the small dream of owning a Kitchen Aid mixer can come true. (pictures)

Of course, all of these homemade amazing yummies isn’t helping me lose weight, but did I mention homemade cannoli? I mean Yeni is my dream girl already, but who knew she could make homemade cannoli??

Tagged: Cannoli esposa Family Fred Posner road trip Thanksgiving

All is Quiet on New Year's Day

Posted . ~2min read.

[][1]Conga Time! Welcome friends to 2009. Last night Yeni’s family and I went to Michael’s and were surrounded by family to enjoy the New Year’s Celebration.

Tagged: Ann Arbor esposa Fred Posner New York Thanksgiving

It's Monday. Ummm. Monday.

Posted . ~1min read.

[][1]Fred with family at Thanksgiving Good morning world and welcome to the snowed in Monday morning edition of Fred Posner dot com. Let’s discuss the weekend…

Tagged: Ann Arbor Asterisk Cannoli FBI Fred Posner Geeky Harley-Davidson Pizza Thanksgiving VoIP

Thanksgiving 2008

Posted . ~4min read.

To me, Thanksgiving represents not just a “vacation” day, but rather a day to reflect on the past year — no matter how bad — and be thankful for what life has given to us.

Tagged: Family Gainesville Gators Thanksgiving UF

Summary: Ann Arbor to Fort Lauderdale

Posted . ~3min read.

[][1]Fred enjoying Dunkin' Donuts Yeni and I started early — very early — Saturday morning. After loading the truck and topping off the tank, we hit I-94 somewhere around 4 am.

Tagged: Ann Arbor esposa Family Fred Posner Gainesville Gators Harley-Davidson Ohio road trip Thanksgiving UF

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