Thanksgiving Message 2023
Posted . ~2min read.
Clearly, my goal of writing more in 2023 failed significantly.
As many Americans travel to celebrate Thanksgiving, our family once again will celebrate locally here in Gainesville.
This year presented many challenges and with challenging years, it becomes harder to focus on giving thanks. Of course, when we do take the time to focus, the difficulties fade.
I am incredibly grateful to have a healthy daughter. Although, with starting school, we’ve experienced the stereotypical petri dish of diseases (enough where the pediatrician’s office knows us by sight), our visits are always something that can be resolved quickly.
I am grateful for my child’s strengthening immune system (as well as the strengthening immune systems of Yeni and me).
I am grateful for the opportunities I had this year to travel (with the family and without), to make great memories, and to see people in person I’ve not seen since before covid.
Changes can be stressful, and Yeni and I are learning how quickly change (with a child) comes. I’m grateful for the strength to handle these changes and for the lessons learned.
Any year where I am still walking, still able to pay bills, and still have a roof over the heads of my family is a great year.
As always, I’m most grateful to my friends and family. Their generosity and love continue to surprise me, and this Thanksgiving, and on every day, I am grateful to share my life with these people. After all, friends are the family you choose.
Happy Thanksgiving.