Goodbye October. Hello November.

Posted . ~2min read.

Normally, October is my favorite month. This year, nay nay. My sister summed it up quite simply — “Sounds like you had a super crappy October, so I’m happy that it’s November now.” Well said. Well said.

So, this is November and tomorrow morning we may very well have a new President-elect. This year I voted for… oh yeah, I didn’t get to vote. What? Huh? Why?

Atypically, I will make this a short story.

I moved this year. I’m no longer a registered voter in Alachua County, Florida and instead am registered in Broward County, Florida. I knew I’d be in Michigan so I requested an absentee ballot and had them send it to me in Ann Arbor. Well, the US Postal Service decided that I should not vote this year. Instead of delivering the ballot to me, they delivered it to my neighbor.

My neighbor nicely (albeit somewhat tardily) came to the apartment and returned my ballot. Unfortunately, since it was Monday after 5pm, I was unable to send it for a Tuesday delivery as required by Florida law.

So, that’s how Fred didn’t get to vote in 2008. I feel saddened as I really wanted to vote for Sheriff Al Lamberti. I think he’s a good Sheriff and wanted to give him my vote. Anyway…

So, what am I most looking forward to on Wednesday after election day? Hopefully picking up my Harley from the shop. Oooooh… new pipes.

...and even more...