Fred Posner

Fred Posner personal blog


The Palner Group @ 20 Years

Posted . ~3min read.

Twenty years ago, I started The Palner Group, Inc. with the goal of providing technology consulting as a service. 2000 feels like a century ago (I’ve not thought about the millennium bug for some time now) and I’m using this anniversary to reflect on having this company for two decades.

Tagged: Business palner Small Business

Chipolte as an Example

Posted . ~3min read.

Normally, Yeni and I have a “no chains” rule when it comes to eating out. Many reasons why on this… from Karma to the 68 rule to keeping the community unique, there are many reasons why a personal no-chain rule works.

Of course, rules are made to be broken, and we do this with the no-chain rule from time-to-time. One of the reasons is to see the process. We don’t feel that chains are evil, far from it, we just normally choose to patronize local independent businesses. Because of this, we still understand that there’s a lot you can learn from visiting a chain… and any brick and mortar in the community is still a good place to spend money.

American Express Stupidity

Posted . ~2min read.

Let me start off my saying this: I despise the word stupid. Despise may not even be strong enough to describe the loathing I have for the word stupid.

I feel calling a person stupid remains one of the worst insults one can use. It’s a word that I rarely use. That being said, I reserve the use of “stupid” for extreme acts that amaze me with their unique sense of illogical function.

Take for example American Express.

Tagged: American Express

Stop Networking / Start Helping

Posted . ~1min read.

I read a great blog post from Jeff Archibald called Stop Networking. It’s a great read (and it’s linked… so please read it) and something I related to personally.

Tagged: networking Small Business

Starbucks on Main Street

Posted . ~2min read.

Yeni and I love going to DisneyWorld — our one big spend each year is annual passes. We go as often as we can… not as often as we’d like… but we get there 20+ times a year.

Tagged: Disney Small Business Yeni

American Express / Non-American Call Center

Posted . ~2min read.

Today, I attempted to use my American Express card as a replacement for an old card that had expired. I entered the card info, hit “renew,” and was told it was declined.

Tagged: American Express

I will pay for good service

Posted . ~2min read.

I had an interaction with American Airlines this morning that made me realize why I choose American (even though they cost more than others). Bottom line: I choose American Airlines because their service is worth the price I pay.

Tagged: American Airlines cust

High Class / Low Budget

Posted . ~2min read.

From either the bakery or VoIP consulting, I get to sift through “feelers” on a daily basis. Some come from people who have an exact idea of what they want, are familiar with market pricing, and have realistic budgets.

The Blame Game

Posted . ~2min read.

You love her But she loves him And he loves somebody else You just can’t win J. Geils Band – Love Stinks I absolutely hate the blame game.

Tagged: Silver Airways United Airlines

Every Little Thing

Posted . ~2min read.

This morning, as I was reading Collin Austin’s post on sweating the small stuff, I couldn’t help but think of how David Lee Roth changed the way I make contracts.

Tagged: David Lee Roth

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