
Happy Anniversary

Posted . ~1min read.

11 years and 1 branch (shown above) »

My wife…

Posted . ~1min read.

Sure, she’s beautiful… But knowing my wife will RTFM when she has a problem is one of the hottest things I’ve seen. Fred Posner (@fredposner) April 6, 2018 »

Property Tax Story

Posted . ~4min read.

So, in my recent Facebook post I teased about a property tax story… here we go.

Fred vs the Property Appraiser

When Yeni and I started dating it was a long distance relationship. She came to the States and lived in Ann Arbor, working for the government on an H1 Visa— this means that if she left her job, she’d have to move back to her (at the time) country. In other words, she could not come live in Gainesville at the time.

Well, as luck would have it, we started dating around the 2008 housing crisis. I tried putting the house up for sale, and after 1 year of no offers, watched my home value drop monthly. Good times. 


Too Cool

Posted . ~1min read.

At the White House Yeni demonstrates her coolness while taking a break in front of 1600 Pennsylvania Ave. »

Yeni Loves Bears

Posted . ~1min read.

It’s Earth Day 2016 and my beautiful, smoking hot wife loves bears. On her behalf, I encourage everyone to do a little more to help keep our planet alive and sustainable for the creatures providing my wife so much joy. »

Sunset with Yeni on the water

Posted . ~1min read.

Sunset with my better half on the ocean. Good times. »

Independence Day

Posted . ~3min read.

Tomorrow is July 4th, or Independence Day here in the United States — where we celebrate the signing of the Declaration of Independence on July 4th, 1776.

At the time, what is now the United States existed as 13 colonies of Great Britain. For many reasons, none of which I’ll discuss here, the colonists decided to declare themselves a new nation, independent from British (or any other) rule, with certain unalienable Rights — including Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.


People Mover in 40 Seconds

Posted . ~1min read.

People Mover in 40 seconds from qxork on Vimeo. »


Posted . ~1min read.

Went to WDW yesterday with the Mrs… we’re annual pass holders which allows us to go when convenient. Normally, we’ll pass on the heavy season (to avoid the crowds), but we also take an opportunity when it presents itself.

USA Cookies from Dream Day Cakes and Bearkery

Long story longer…


Walgreens Attempts an Apology

Posted . ~4min read.

Recently, a call taker from Walgreens called Yeni a bitch.

You can hear the call and read the story here.

For two weeks, I attempted to get Walgreens to apologize… and failed. At this point, I don’t know who failed… was it Walgreens for not caring, or was it me in thinking a big company would care enough to apologize to a customer they insulted.

After two weeks, I decided to post the call online and share it with the world. (I was hoping that they would issue a sincere apology and we would just move on). I then posted the blog on twitter and google plus.

Walgreens, through twitter, said they would reach out to us ASAP.

They lied.
