Fred Posner

Fred Posner personal blog


It's homecoming

Posted . ~1min read.

It’s homecoming… a weird concept if you happen to live in the town where you went to school… but nonetheless, a holiday the City of Gainesville takes very seriously. Yes, I said holiday.

You see, in town the schools are closed. Many businesses close their doors or have allowances for people to leave early. There’s a parade (which means UPS drivers come in a few hours early to make sure they can deal with the traffic/road closures).

Tagged: Gainesville homecoming UF

Summary: Ann Arbor to Fort Lauderdale

Posted . ~3min read.

[][1]Fred enjoying Dunkin' Donuts Yeni and I started early — very early — Saturday morning. After loading the truck and topping off the tank, we hit I-94 somewhere around 4 am.

Tagged: Ann Arbor esposa Family Fred Posner Gainesville Gators Harley-Davidson Ohio road trip Thanksgiving UF

Change of plans

Posted . ~1min read.

The plan was (originally) to quickly stop by the house in Gainesville, check on it’s condition, and continue on to South Florida. The new plan is to arrive in Hogtowne around 2 AM and crash for a few hours.

Tagged: Ann Arbor Gainesville road trip

Orange and Blue Weekend

Posted . ~1min read.

It’s that time of year in Gainesville… the time where the gators play the gators in the ultimate fight over alumni donations. 😉 But, the great thing about Orange and Blue weekend, is that usually a good ol’ friendly alumni comes to town.

Tagged: Gainesville

Weekend in Gainesville

Posted . ~1min read.

Another weekend with Yeni in Florida. Was great to have a visitor at the house but unfortunately the weather was less than cooperative. After a great visit to the University of Florida and Big Lou’s Pizza, we had a quiet evening in the house on Saturday and prepared for what we thought would be an awesome all-day bike ride to St.

Tagged: Gainesville

Don't tase me, bro!

Posted . ~1min read.

Has to be my new favorite phrase. If you haven’t see the video (or videos), You tube is going crazy with them… You can find some at this link here.

So horrible

Posted . ~0min read.

Go Gators!

Posted . ~1min read.

How awesome is a repeat of Basketball and during the off-season a championship in Football? I think my degree just increased in value. 🙂

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