Posted . ~2min read.
Recently, a bi-partisan group is attempting to create a “path to citizenship” for illegal immigrants. Many in our community (and country) support such a plan — I do not.
Of course I’m biased. I’ve spent tens of thousands of dollars on fees, wiped away more tears than one can count, and have had my motives questions all to follow the rule of law and have Yeni and I keep within the bounds of legal immigration.
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Yes, I know the muffin man. I know him very well.
Too well.
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I should have knocked on wood.
Just the other day, literally, I posted high praises about my laptop — how long I’ve used it, the amazing quality of the hardware, and even how it’s amazing life had made me start to dislike Apple.
This afternoon, I used my Macbook in a Dentist’s waiting room. This evening, she left us with the unacceptable blank screen of death.
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It’s the first Sunday I can remember that Yeni and I didn’t have to work. How’d we celebrate?
With a ride to Daytona Beach, FL.
Yeni had never been to Daytona Beach and we had a few hours to kill. We hopped on the Harley and rode…. until we saw blue. =)
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One of the blogs I read religiously is Graves on SOHO Technology. Recently, Michael [Graves] posted an article about “shedding weight.”
I’ve gotten to know Michael over the years through the VoIP Users Conference. He’s a great resource to the VoIP community and takes Halloween displays to the epic level.
But I digress…
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During a great trip to Disney that the esposa surprised me with, we caught a great view of a 2nd train passing. =)
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This is another one of those tech articles.
Recently, I started using Ubuntu 12.10 as my primary system. I didn’t want to… but that’s another story.
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Disclaimer: This is one of those tech articles.
It’s not that I hate windows, I mean I did get an MCSE and everything… its just that I find linux and mac vastly better.
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So, the Mrs. and I (and her parents) enjoyed a very well cooked dinner at a local (and independent) restaurant here in town. The food was excellent; this is easily one of the best restaurants in town.
I enjoyed a drink (just one — I was driving), Yeni enjoyed a drink. Both were top notch.
So… when the bill came I was faced with a conundrum.