Fred Posner

Fred Posner personal blog

Benjamin Franklin Farting Essay

Posted . ~5min read.

[Benjamin Franklin][1]
Benjamin Franklin


I have perused your late mathematical Prize Question, proposed in lieu of one in Natural Philosophy, for the ensuing year, viz. “Une figure quelconque donnee, on demande d’y inscrire le plus grand nombre de fois possible une autre figure plus-petite quelconque, qui est aussi donnee”.

Tagged: Benjamin Franklin

Thou Shalt Remember Sun Block

Posted . ~1min read.

[Sun marked frowny face][1]
Glove marks, courtesy Florida sunshine

Took the bike out to St. Augustine with Yeni and Richard Armstrong yesterday. Started out as a late afternoon ride (left Gainesville at 1pm) after Yeni and I had finished some work at the bakery.

Tagged: Harley-Davidson Yeni

Niagara Falls Tight Rope Thoughts

Posted . ~1min read.

[Tight Rope][1]
ABC News

So, first let me say that I couldn’t do it. I’m sure I would have fallen within the first 20 feet. That being said… Something about having a tether on makes the tight rope crossing of Niagara Falls less impressive for me.

Here’s the real kicker — he was forced to wear the safety tether.

There’s something about accomplishing something at the risk of death that makes it, well “death defying.” Conversely, accomplishing a dangerous feat while knowing that you will not die… is not death defying.

More dreaming…

Posted . ~1min read.

[][1]Esposa at the Court

Tagged: Yeni

Stormtrooper, Esposa, Bear

Posted . ~1min read.

[][1]Stormtrooper, Esposa, Jedi Bear

Tagged: Yeni

This Town Needs an Enema

Posted . ~3min read.

Before I get started on why this town needs an enema, let me state (for the record) that Jack Nicholson as the joker is pure money. Amazing. Also, yes I think Christian Bale is a great Batman — but Michael Keaton rocked. Just saying.

But I digress… this post is really about money. Real money. Real debt. Real dollars. Real Assholes. 

Tagged: taxes

Taxes on my Taxes

Posted . ~1min read.

So, yesterday I got my electricity bill and it was a little over 180 bucks. It’s Gainesville and hot, so I expected a decently high electricity bill. Add air conditioning with more cooking (and a bunch of hot showers) and $180 is expected.

Of course, my real electricity bill is $150. There was $30 in taxes. 

Kamailio Consulting

Posted . ~1min read.

There are some great consultants to help you with Kamailio— I just happen to be one of them. =) =) In all seriousness, if you’re looking to implement or integrate Kamailio into your network, give me a call.

Florida First Credit Union Phishing Attack

Posted . ~4min read.

So, today at work I got a call on my cell from a blocked number. I normally don’t answer blocked numbers, but for some reason I did. Anyway, text-to-speech engine identifies itself as Florida First Credit Union and that my credit card was suspended. I hung up.

I honestly assumed this was a legit call. You see, I recently changed my cell phone to AT&T and get a few calls a week for the former owner. Then, about an hour or so later, Yeni gets a call on her cell from 377-372-5939. She didn’t recognize the number (and also gets a few wrong numbers) and handed me the phone. 

La madre degli imbecili è sempre incinta.

Posted . ~1min read.

aka my favorite Italian proverbs. La madre degli imbecili è sempre incinta. Translated (loosely): The mother of imbeciles is always pregnant. There’s never going to be a shortage of idiots.

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