Posted . ~3min read.
Each year, I make a Thanksgiving pilgrimage to my parent’s home in South Florida. Since I can remember, Thanksgiving has been the Holiday for my family — and when I say family, I mean the entire family. Cousins, friends, aunts, everything. My family.
I’ve been very lucky in life and have a lot to be grateful for; one of which is the continuing of this amazing tradition.
Some years, the trip seems too short. It rarely feels too long. This year, Yeni and I were able to take a few days off from the bakery and head down to South Florida for a few extra days.
I start thinking about my thanksgiving message around October… mostly just a mental outline of what I want to say. Pointless really. Every year when I sit to write the message, my mental outlines are thrown away.
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Big Fred Cookie. The three words everyone waits to hear.
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… cookie that is. 😉
Check out this amazing graphic for the Big Fred Cookie™:
Posted . ~1min read.
Had a little fun at the bakery tonight. =)
A few days ago, our food rep sent me a link to a Japanese video showing the separation of egg whites with a water bottle. Long story short?
I made an English version.
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Everyone knows that Fred likes to eat. =) Tonight, while the Mrs. was hard at work finishing some cakes, it was up to me to make dinner.
From the moment I woke this morning I wanted pizza… so earlier today I put together some dough. Anticipation built, and come 7pm I was ready to take the dough from it’s 2nd rise and get to work.
Of course, it was about this time I checked the ingredients.
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I used to love Skype– with the **evangelical promoting **kind of love that business owners dream about.
Times change. Owners change. Products change. Sometimes evangelical promotion turns to public disapproval.
My love affair with Skype started with it’s launch way back back in 2003. We used it to provide simple, secure messaging. It helped us work remotely and the usability was fantastic.
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There are 1.65 private workers for every person on welfare. Comment on Reddit.
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Sometimes, you’ve already got the winning ticket in your hands. I submit the above proof.
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Some days, I dream of being a writer.
I’ve always loved writing. High School, even college, writing assignments were the ones I loved. Not sure why. Not sure it matters. Bottom line: I like writing.
Posted . ~4min read.
I registered to vote back in 19-whatever and my party affiliation has not changed: NPA (no party affiliation). In Florida, this means I cannot vote in most primary elections — so be it. In the 2008 Primaries, I wasn’t able to vote for the either the Republican or Democratic candidate I liked. Neither of the candidates went on to the 2008 ticket and well, I guess that’s a story for another day.