Fred Posner

Fred Posner personal blog

December 2008 Pics Posted

Posted . ~1min read.

[][1]See this and more at the Picasa Site It’s a start. 😉 Over 1,000 pictures were taken in December, 2008 — perhaps due to the re-purchase of my favorite lens that died or maybe the addition of a new (fancy schmancy) flash.

Tagged: Christmas esposa Family Fred Posner snow

Movies of 2008

Posted . ~3min read.

[][1]Fred saw Iron Man in 2008 I’ve said it before — I love movies. I simply love movies. Sure, not all movies receive my love; horror films and I never got along (except I did like Scream).

Tagged: Geeky house iron man Movies Rant spider-man

Christmas Day

Posted . ~2min read.

[][1]Fred with Bear in Montgomery, MI I learned that Colombian tradition places a lot of emphasis on Christmas Eve. Last night, after eating tamales and playing Wii at Michael’s, Yeni’s family and I returned to the house, ate more tamales with friends, and then opened presents.

Tagged: Ann Arbor Christmas cold esposa Family Fred Posner Harley-Davidson snow spider-man

So this is Christmas…

Posted . ~1min read.

So this is Christmas And what have you done Another year over And a new one just begun And so this is Christmas I hope you have fun

Tagged: Ann Arbor Christmas cold esposa Family


Happy Birthday Sweetheart!

Posted . ~1min read.

[][1]Happy Birthday Yeni! Today is Yeni’s birthday… so Happy Birthday Sweetheart! So drop her a line, send her a tweet, or just think special thoughts. Today she is 25 years old (per her choice).

Tagged: Ann Arbor esposa

Back at the House

Posted . ~1min read.

Yesterday was a “travel day,” with all the reminders of why I do not like to fly. But, thanks to modern travel, I made it home safe and sound.

Tagged: Ann Arbor cold snow

Forrest's Anniversary

Posted . ~2min read.

[][1]That little spec in the center is the duck. And in the bottom right corner is the one mom threw in. So today (December 20th) marks the 2nd Anniversary of Forrest’s passing.

Tagged: Forrest Gainesville Gators UF

Headin' up to San Francisco

Posted . ~2min read.

Yesterday, we woke up at 5am and headed through the snow to take me to the airport. Even after spending 5 hours on the tarmac (and being de-iced from a de-icer named Fred), I still have to say I love American Airlines.

Tagged: esposa Family Forrest Fred Posner Jimmy Buffett LyricAdd new tag snow

Check out the De-Icer

Posted . ~1min read.

Notice the de-icer’s cool name? (it’s Fred 🙂 ) On my way to San Francisco to catch up with my sister, Scott, my parents, Tovah, and David!

Tagged: Family snow

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