Posted . ~3min read.
We’re not playing the Pyramid here, but wouldn’t that be great? Man, I miss good 70’s game shows. Give me the Pyramid and Match Game and I’m happy as can be. Anyway…
I’ve always liked Mr. Franklin. Some think he’s the only non-president on money… but those people probably think Mr. Hamilton was once a president. Anyway, Benjamin Franklin is perhaps my favorite American in history. I love his quotes and many of his thoughts can guide us still today.
Today’s the following Benjamin Franklin quote comes to mind:
It is the first responsibility of every citizen to question authority.
Which brings us to…
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Ann Arbor DDA, you massively fail. If you were a ship, you’d be the titanic…
Can you believe in today’s world that a government agency would conspire and discuss the control of public information? What if that information was a top secret as… parking space availability?
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Note: There’s an intro, the DDA response, and Fred’s response in this article. Jump to the end to read Fred’s response.
A few months back, we posted a nice little article on using Asterisk to get Parking Space Availability from Ann Arbor garages. The response from the VoIP community was fantastic! We received great comments and feedback from people like Jason Goecke, Dug Song, Dave Michels, Evan Cooke, and more! People not only responded, they even showed different ways of providing access to this information. And everyone shared their work in an open forum — truly a great example of open source coding inspiring innovation (albeit with Parking Spaces).
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So, the big news is that Yeni and I got engaged at Disney on 3/3/09.
More info is posted on our website,
Posted . ~1min read.
I ranted today about YET ANOTHER security breach at the University of Florida (Go Gators). It’s a decent rant:
I like ranting now and then 🙂
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I recently filled out one of these circulating lists, asking me to mark each movie on the list I had seen. Apparently if you had seen more than 85 films, “you had no life.” Out of 243 on the list, I had seen… (wait for it)… 167 (or just shy of 2x no life).
I love movies. I am the guy that buys a dvd rather than rent. I’ve taken my collection and put it into a database so I can find movies more easily and to help prevent me from buying duplicates (which has sadly happened). Although, this probably falls more into the “Fred is a geek” category than “Fred loves movies.” (Hopefully the Harley counters it)
Anyway, the title here reflects something I’ve spent way too much time contemplating. When you ask most of my friends who their favorite actor is, the most common answer is either Al Pacino or Robert De Niro. Me? I have a hard time answering with just one. I’d most likely give a list of my top three — Robert De Niro, Tom Hanks, and Al Pacino.
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Newest article (related to parking) is from The Michigan Daily.
Also, on Saturday, Ed and I will be guests on a local radio program. 🙂
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Some of the local papers / sites picked up the Parking Space story… check it out:
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GoDaddy had some sort of “issue” that had this site down most of the day… Can you believe it? The nerve of them to mess with Geesh.
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Welcome to Fred’s weekly review for the first “real” week of 2009. What did Fred do this week? Will Fred stop talking in third person? This and many more questions await you in this fantastic update.
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