Hurricane Irma: All Clear

TL/DR; We’re all good. No damage to the house (that we can see), power is back, Internet is back — we are very fortunate. We started feeling some wind Sunday evening and the rain hadn’t let up since Saturday night. We received more than 12 inches of rain. We lost power on Sunday, regained it, and then lost it hard at 1am Monday morning. The bakery lost power 11pm Sunday night....

September 11, 2017 2 min Fred Posner

Irma Path Updated

This morning (2017-09-09), Irma has decided to take a westwardly stroll towards the gulf. This is very good news for South Florida, but less exciting for us here in North Florida. Not good news for Tampa area. For Gainesville, we now have an increased amount of wind expected. Although higher than we’d like, it still is much less than anything the islands would have experienced. The good thing about Gainesville is we have an incredible amount of trees to help break up the wind....

September 9, 2017 1 min Fred Posner

Riding Out the Storm

Sometimes a blog post is an easy way of giving a group update… Last night the track for Hurricane Irma places Gainesville, Florida in the path of the storm. This, of course, has some friends and family a little worried— which is a great problem for us to have. It’s an amazing feeling to know people care for you. So, first, let’s discuss Gainesville, Florida. Gainesville (where Yeni and I live) is located in North Central Florida… an area I like to call the armpit of Florida....

September 8, 2017 3 min Fred Posner

BBQ time

Who’s in the mood for barbecue?

February 10, 2013 1 min Fred Posner

Jacksonville, Florida

This bear has quite the life.

February 10, 2013 1 min Fred Posner

A Quick Look at my County Taxes

Here’s the quick and dirty breakdown (I’ve rounded the percentages): Board of County Commissioners: $666.82 (31%) Library: $113.91 (6%) School Board: $931.65 (46%) Water District: $32.14 (2%) Unincorporated Services: $31.88 (2%) Sheriff: $129.17 (6%) Fire Protection: $103.51 (5%) So, the biggest amount seems, by far, to go to the School Board. I spend over $900.00 on public education– and being that I have no kids, I think that’s very generous of me. Of course, not realizing this until now is completely my own fault. ...

December 30, 2010 2 min Fred Posner

Got Cake in Gainesville?

[][1]Gainesville Wedding Cakes and More In case you haven’t realized, Yeni and I have opened a bakery in Gainesville, FL. We’ve named it Dream Day Cakes and, well, you MUST COME BY! First, let me tell you a little story. Once upon a time, in the land of North Central Florida, there lived a boy named Fred Posner. Fred, a large, rotund, bald boy, loved eating, riding motorcycles, and living la vida loca. Not so much listening to La Vida Loca but actually living it. ...

October 6, 2010 2 min Fred Posner

More Cakes in Gainesville, FL

Yeni’s baking away… and she’s got some amazing cakes made. Today she finished a Princess Slipper cake that literally blew me away. Crazy! [][1]Try this on, Princess

September 24, 2010 1 min Fred Posner

Dream Day Cakes – Gainesville Bakery

[][1]Dream Day Cakes A little self promotion never hurt… in theory. 😉 I have great news. Yeni’s been baking now for well over a year and her cakes are simply amazing. Living in Gainesville provided us the perfect opportunity for Yeni to follow her dreams and try doing something she truly loves. And with that introduction, I introduce Dream Day Cakes — Gainesville’s newest Wedding Cake Bakery. I’ve posted a few of the cakes before, and Guillo with o3b....

August 25, 2010 1 min Fred Posner

Charlie Crist – My Thoughts Pre Announcement

Fight the fight or quit. Soon, as in a couple of hours, Florida Governor Charlie Crist will announce a decision regarding his candidacy for the United States Senate. I’ve said it before, and let me state it again: I am a proud NPA (No Party Affiliation) Florida Voter. I have declared myself NPA my entire adult life, and I vote. Although I voted for Crist for Governor, if he changes parties he will not receive my vote. He’s said before that he would run as a Republican. Then he said that he would “consider” running as an Independent. Well, and forgive me for speaking to you personally Mr. Governor, here’s the thing Charlie. This is not a decision that you have to think over. This is simple. Either you have the cojones (balls) to run under your party or you don’t. If you are going to change your party, it’s being done for one reason — because you think you’ll lose. Don’t spin this any other way. I imagine that if you change from the Republican party that you will attempt to spin it as the party no longer represents what you believe, or they’ve lost track, yatta yatta yatta. ...

April 29, 2010 2 min Fred Posner