Thanksgiving Message (2013)

Posted . ~3min read.

For the last 16 years, I’ve enjoyed Thanksgiving at my parent’s house in beautiful South Florida. Surrounded by family, the festive meal places family on the porch of the house, seated around an incredibly long table, with more food than one should eat in a single sitting.

For a few of those years, when I lived in South Florida, it was a quick drive from my place to the dinner table. Most of the years, it involves a drive down from Gainesville. Some years included a trek down from Michigan (snow and all).

This year is different. This year, while my family enjoys Turkey, Brisket, and Stuffing in South Florida at my parents house… my parents won’t be there. They’ll be joining my sister, brother-in-law, and adorable nephew in Virginia.

Same time zone. Different latitude.

This year, Yeni and I will be in Gainesville; working through the holiday.

Most of you know that in Fall 2010, Yeni and I opened a bakery here in Gainesville, Florida. It’s hard work. A lot of hard work. More work than we had imagined.

Don’t get me wrong – we’re grateful to have the work. It’s been a trying few years to say the least, and we’re extremely lucky to have a roof over our heads and a phone at the bakery that rings.

Making it past the first year was amazing. The second year signified a great milestone. Now that we’re in our third year, we need your help.

Recently, we launched the Big Fred Cookie, which is our take on a gourmet cookie cake. It’s 10 inches round, weighs over 2 pounds, thick, chewy, and crazy awesome. Feedback has been incredible. It ships anywhere in the US via Priority Mail for just $44.95 (free shipping).

As we’re a working bakery, we don’t have a crazy advertising budget and need your help to introduce this product to friends, co-workers, and companies that are looking to send an amazing holiday gift.

Each cookie comes with a customized greeting card, a Big Fred Cookie story, a Baked Exclusively For card (dated and signed by the baker), and starting shortly, a Big Fred Cookie knife to cut the cookie into sharable pieces.

Yeni and I would love your help in introducing this cookie to the world.

Feedback for the cookie is incredible and we wouldn’t ask you to help us if we weren’t 100% confident in the product.

It’s a good price. It’s a great product. It’s a favor that we’ll be grateful for.

This year, I’m incredibly thankful for your help with this – and like with every year, I’m incredibly thankful for… you. Thank you for being a part of my life and for sticking with me for yet another year on this crazy roller coaster.

Happy Thanksgiving.

** As always I didn’t say “friends.” My friends are family. Friends are the family you choose.

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