Fred Posner

Fred Posner personal blog

Goodbye Dish Network

Posted . ~1min read.

After spending a few weeks with my family in SoFla, I returned to the abode in Gainesville to find that Dish Network had dropped my NBC. Dropped. All gone.

Now, I had chosen the America’s Everything plan which was supposed to be all available channels and also paid extra for my local channels and the “super stations.” So why drop it?

Well, according to Dish Network:

A district court judge issued an injunction requiring DISH Network to shut off so-called “distant network” channels no later than December 1, 2006. Only about seven percent of DISH Network’s 12.46 million subscribers received Distant Network Programming (which includes ABC, NBC, CBS, or FOX broadcasts that originate from outside your community).

My response… “bullshit.”

Gainesville has no local NBC channel. The cable company here broadcasts the NBC channel from Orlando and why would they be able to provide for me NBC while Dish Network not? Simply put… money.

So… now the dish is gone (thanks to Joe) and my house looks much bigger without the huge raincatcher on it. 🙂

And now since I’m getting my Internet through Cox Cable, I’m transfering my Bellsouth number to Voip Internet Phone Service. I’m going to end up saving 250.00/month. 😀

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