Posted . ~3min read.
I’ve had a few dealings with UF and money over the last few months. Basically, many (many, many, many) calls to the house asking for donations, etc. When one of my favorite teachers had left UF, I had donated money to help start a scholarship in his name. I was not happy with the way it was handled, and have been reluctant to donate money to the school since (not to mention, I’m not impressed with the way the college is handling money — or my personal information — whatsoever).
Today, I received an email (posted below) from Florida President Bernie Machen asking for my voice. Seems they have created a new organization to lobby the Florida legislature for issues important to the school. To me, I am always offended when someone making 750k a year (including bonuses), gripes about a lack of funding. Simply put, Machen needs to lead by example.
»Posted . ~2min read.
Can you guess which WiFi network is mine?
I’m no stranger to the fun and joy that comes from dog ownership. Let’s not forget that Forrest was 115lbs and as regular as could be. We tried (well, he couldn’t care actually, more realistically I tried) to be very considerate of private property when making our rounds. Now I don’t want to go off on a rant here, but…
»Posted . ~1min read.
I really don’t like Huckabee. I had figured when someone he pardoned brutally killed police officers that maybe we had seen the last of him… but no. »
Posted . ~1min read.
Cleaned up the styles a little bit… check out: Team Forrest’s Blog Fat Freddy Says VoIP Tech Chat Yes, they’re very similar (other than YeniFred). »
Posted . ~1min read.’s blog had a pretty interesting graphic posted on Charitable givings…
»Posted . ~5min read.
So, let’s pretend you’re with the Transportation Security Administration (TSA). The TSA, created shortly after 9/11, provides security for the nation’s transportation systems. Employing approximately 50,000 people, the TSA “ensures your travels – by plane, train, automobile or ferry – are safe and secure.”
After the recent “incident” (this is what the TSA calls it) where an airline passenger successfully brought an explosive device onto an American bound plane, the TSA initiated new travel directives. Apparently, one of these directives includes the seizing of computers owned by bloggers who discuss the new directives.
»Posted . ~2min read.
In South Florida, restaurants come and go very quickly. There’s a local saying the if you like a restaurant today, it may not be here tomorrow. So when a Ice Cream Parlor has managed to attract masses of people since 1956, you can safely bet that the food will be very, very good.
»Posted . ~1min read.
He would have been 15 today… sometimes it’s still hard to believe it’s been almost 3 years. Happy Birthday Forrest. I still love and miss you. »