Fred Posner

Fred Posner personal blog

More Political Propaganda from Huckabee

Posted . ~1min read.

I really don’t like Huckabee. I had figured when someone he pardoned brutally killed police officers that maybe we had seen the last of him… but no.

Tagged: Charlie Crist Florida politics propaganda crap

Quick Update

Posted . ~1min read.

Cleaned up the styles a little bit… check out: Team Forrest’s Blog Fat Freddy Says VoIP Tech Chat Yes, they’re very similar (other than YeniFred).


Posted . ~1min read.’s blog had a pretty interesting graphic posted on Charitable givings…

Tagged: charity government money

Hi. I'm Yeni

Posted . ~1min read.

Not really much to talk about.

TSA Fights The Real Problem – Bloggers

Posted . ~5min read.

The best way to keep our skies safe.

So, let’s pretend you’re with the Transportation Security Administration (TSA). The TSA, created shortly after 9/11, provides security for the nation’s transportation systems. Employing approximately 50,000 people, the TSA “ensures your travels – by plane, train, automobile or ferry – are safe and secure.”

After the recent “incident” (this is what the TSA calls it) where an airline passenger successfully brought an explosive device onto an American bound plane, the TSA initiated new travel directives. Apparently, one of these directives includes the seizing of computers owned by bloggers who discuss the new directives.

Tagged: government search and seizure TSA

Jaxson's Ice Cream Parlor

Posted . ~2min read.

In South Florida, restaurants come and go very quickly. There’s a local saying the if you like a restaurant today, it may not be here tomorrow. So when a Ice Cream Parlor has managed to attract masses of people since 1956, you can safely bet that the food will be very, very good.

Tagged: Ice Cream Jaxson's

Happy Birthday Old Friend

Posted . ~1min read.

He would have been 15 today… sometimes it’s still hard to believe it’s been almost 3 years. Happy Birthday Forrest. I still love and miss you.

Tagged: Forrest

Next stop: Thanksgiving 2010

Posted . ~2min read.

[Curb Appeal? Not so much.][1]
Curb Appeal? Not so much.

Thanksgiving 2009 involved family, a road trip, and lots of yard work. Although Yeni and I made yet another trip to Florida, we sadly did not get the opportunity to visit all our friends and family “on the list.”

While traveling to sunny Fort Lauderdale, we took a pit-stop in Gainesville and checked out the house. The condition shocked us. It looked absolutely horrible and had what could only be described as negative curb appeal. We headed down to SoFla and knew we had to return and get down to business on some serious yardwork.

Borrowing a chainsaw from the old man, we quickly got to work on the thickest of foliage decorating the house.

Tagged: Gainesville house road trip Thanksgiving

Thanksgiving Message 2009

Posted . ~3min read.

Every year, on the fourth Thursday in November, families across the United States gather to give thanks. Some years, the “thanks” flow easily. Other years, families struggle to find the a reason for celebration.

Like so many before, this year brought us joy, sadness, and everything in-between. Life often gets compared to a roller coaster ride. A metaphor I’ve used, but truly don’t like.

Tagged: Family Thanksgiving

Fred Likes Bourbon

Posted . ~1min read.

I do. I really, really do. And thanks to a recent trip to Kentucky, I’ve visited a place that I’ve always wanted… Jim Beam. [][1]Fred visits Jim Beam in Kentucky If you haven’t done so… check out my article on Fat Freddy Says about the difference between Bourbon vs.

Tagged: bourbon

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