Ann Arbor

Selected Quotes about Government

Posted . ~2min read.

Dealing with Ann Arbor’s Downtown Development Authority (the A2DDA) definitely elicits an emotional response. Sadly, the happy emotions did not make the cut. Anyway, the experience finds me recollecting some of my favorite government quotes…

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Benjamin Franklin, Motorcycles, and Ann Arbor Parking

Posted . ~3min read.

We’re not playing the Pyramid here, but wouldn’t that be great? Man, I miss good 70’s game shows. Give me the Pyramid and Match Game and I’m happy as can be. Anyway…

Benjamin Franklin

I’ve always liked Mr. Franklin. Some think he’s the only non-president on money… but those people probably think Mr. Hamilton was once a president. Anyway, Benjamin Franklin is perhaps my favorite American in history. I love his quotes and many of his thoughts can guide us still today.

Today’s the following Benjamin Franklin quote comes to mind:

It is the first responsibility of every citizen to question authority.

Which brings us to…

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Ann Arbor Blocks My Parking App

Posted . ~1min read.

Ann Arbor DDA, you massively fail. If you were a ship, you’d be the titanic…

Can you believe in today’s world that a government agency would conspire and discuss the control of public information? What if that information was a top secret as… parking space availability?

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Fred Posner in the News

Posted . ~1min read.

Some of the local papers / sites picked up the Parking Space story… check it out:


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And we're back…

Posted . ~1min read.

GoDaddy had some sort of “issue” that had this site down most of the day… Can you believe it? The nerve of them to mess with Geesh.

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Geeky Item of the Day

Posted . ~2min read.

[Yeni Weather Script][1]
Yeni Weather Script

I have a new phone on my desk (or as Yeni calls it, the mesk). Why mesk? Combines messy and desk… but I digress (as usual).

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All is Quiet on New Year's Day

Posted . ~2min read.

[Conga Time!][1]
Conga Time!

Welcome friends to 2009. Last night Yeni’s family and I went to Michael’s and were surrounded by family to enjoy the New Year’s Celebration. Last year, I was in New York City’s Times Square watching the ball drop after eating an amazing feast at Peter Luger Steakhouse in Brooklyn. Wow, that was an amazing meal…

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Christmas Day

Posted . ~2min read.

[Fred with Bear in Montgomery, MI][1]
Fred with Bear in Montgomery, MI

I learned that Colombian tradition places a lot of emphasis on Christmas Eve.

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So this is Christmas…

Posted . ~1min read.

So this is Christmas
And what have you done
Another year over
And a new one just begun
And so this is Christmas
I hope you have fun
The near and the dear ones
The old and the young

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Happy Birthday Sweetheart!

Posted . ~1min read.

[Happy Birthday Yeni!][1]
Happy Birthday Yeni!

Today is Yeni’s birthday… so Happy Birthday Sweetheart! 

So drop her a line, send her a tweet, or just think special thoughts. Today she is 25 years old (per her choice).

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