Fred Posner

Fred Posner personal blog

Ann Arbor

So Many Boxes…

Posted . ~1min read.

We’re packing away… although “we” is mostly just Yeni; who is packing like a woman possessed. We’re heading out on Wednesday and looking forward to a change of view.

Tagged: Ann Arbor esposa Florida Gainesville Tech telephone VoIP

Morning Full Moon

Posted . ~1min read.

The nice thing about waking up really, really early to take family to the airport? Well, on some days, you might just catch a nice view of a full moon.

Tagged: Ann Arbor environment Michigan

Back from a great, long weekend

Posted . ~2min read.

To celebrate my youngest cousin’s high school graduation, Yeni and I headed to Albany to join the celebration. Instead of flying, we packed very lightly and took the Harley 650 miles east from Ann Arbor to Albany, mostly following I-90 (we were going to go through Canada, but that’s a different story).

The trip to Albany was amazing and covered parts of Michigan, Ohio, Pennsylvania, and New York. Cities included Toledo, Cleveland, Erie, Buffalo, Syracuse, and Albany. Normally, when traveling on the Interstate, you really don’t get to see much, and with this trip, we set that as our expectation. Gladly, we were wrong. I had never been West of Albany (yes, I’m one of those type of New Yorker’s) and

Tagged: Ann Arbor esposa Family Fred Posner Harley-Davidson Michigan New York Ohio road trip

A very nice, long day…

Posted . ~1min read.

Besides celebrating the birth of my sister, June 21st holds additional special meanings… such as the start of Summer, the Summer Solstice, and the longest “day” of the year.

Tagged: Ann Arbor Family Honey

Still in Florida

Posted . ~1min read.

I’m still in Florida, but headed back to Michigan on Wednesday. I’ve been enjoying the warm weather, although it was 98 degrees yesterday in North Florida… much, much higher than Ann Arbor.

Tagged: Ann Arbor beach esposa Family Florida Gainesville Gandy Dancer house Joe's Stone Crabs road trip

Quick and Dirty News

Posted . ~1min read.

No, it’s not a reference to Cinco de Mayo… but just simply, the quick and dirty news for Fred Posner. Let’s see… recently I: Got married (blogged @ yenifred.

Tagged: Ann Arbor esposa Family Fred Posner

A2 Cloud Camp

Posted . ~1min read.

I attended Ann Arbor’s Cloud Camp yesterday at Google (in… Ann Arbor). Was a great “un-conference” about cloud computing and such. Took a few pictures and enjoyed the afternoon.

Tagged: Ann Arbor Geeky

April in Ann Arbor means Snow

Posted . ~1min read.

[Hey... I thought it was Spring!][1]
Hey… I thought it was Spring!

So, last night Michael and I caught up over a few Bourbon’s at a TGI Friday’s down the road. The last time Mike and I visited Friday’s together? 1989. Anyway… as the evening wore on, the window showed us something I thought I wouldn’t be seeing again for a while — snow. And we’re not talking “oh just a little white powder” here, we are talking big, huge, white flakes. Big ones. Coming down like the ground was Macy’s and it was a 90% off sale.

The snow continued throughout the night leaving 4 – 7 inches on the ground (depending on which paper you believe). All I know is that Yeni had to break out the winter boots (She said, “Oh, Winter Boots I thought I would not see you again… but here you are.”) and I got to de-snow the cars yet another time this year.

I will say this though… Looking at snow is nice. Dealing with it, not so much. There’s more pictures below…

Tagged: Ann Arbor bourbon esposa snow

Raise Taxes Michigan, Really? Really?

Posted . ~3min read.

taxreadyThe smartest thing I have ever done was not leave Florida permanently. After spending 20 plus years living and working in Florida, I’ve certainly seen my share of embarrassment. From Terry Schivo to Elian Gonzalez, the 2000 election to the Anna Nicole Smith Baby Daddy trial, Florida certainly helps give late night talk show hosts a punch line now and then.

But this isn’t a post about Florida. This is a post about two law makers in Michigan that want to raise income tax.

Right now, the State of Michigan has the highest unemployment rate in the United States. Right now (March 2009), the Michigan unemployment rate is 12%. And with GM getting ready to lay off thousands more in May, this number will rise quicker than it will fall.

Tagged: Ann Arbor Rant

Ann Arbor News Says Goodbye

Posted . ~2min read.

[][1]Ann Arbor . com website The Ann Arbor News (in Ann Arbor, MI of course) recently announced it’s closure. After 174 years, the Ann Arbor News could not see a way out of economic difficulties and will be relaunching as an online media company — AnnArbor.

Tagged: Ann Arbor esposa

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